Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


April 1998

Doctors, Hospitals & HMOs Take Their Turn

IT MAY BE PREMATURE OF OUR EDITOR TO PREDICT that increasing numbers of HMOs will choose to withdraw from state Medicaid programs during the next 24 months. (See pages 4-6.) But I do think he is on target with his observations that hospitals, physicians, and insurance companies will not let government healthcare regulators push them […]

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Bio-Reference Labs Buys New York-Based Medilabs

CEO SUMMARY: Here is an independent commercial laboratory that shows sustained growth while it maintains profitable operations. One key strategy is the selective acquisition of laboratory business in small, profitable chunks. The sales price paid for Medilabs demonstrates how much decline has occurred to the value of clinical laboratories. DESPITE THE PROFIT SQUEEZE on commercial

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HMOs Abandon Medicaid In Several Eastern States

CEO SUMMARY: In a number of states, certain HMOs have ceased servicing Medicaid patients. This trend will grow. It is the spearpoint for a coming battle between government healthcare programs and private healthcare providers: What level of reimbursement is adequate to provide appropriate care? Who gets to set the reimbursement levels? LABORATORIANS SHOULD PAY CLOSE

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American Path Resources Bought By Pathology PPM

CEO SUMMARY: Here is first confirmation that Pathology Consultants of America has indeed purchased American Pathology Resources. The combination of the two pathology-based physician practice management companies demonstrates that the pathology industry is on the verge of rapid transformation. PATHOLOGISTS SHOULD EXPECT 1998 and 1999 to be years of fast-paced, even radical change. Traditional business

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Selling A Pathology Practice: Do’s, Don’ts & Pitfalls To Avoid

CEO SUMMARY: Physician practice management (PPM) companies represent a powerful new economic trend. Greater numbers of pathologists will soon confront a career-changing decision: should we sell our pathology practice to a PPM? Regardless of how pathologists answer that question, their business will not stay the same. This second installment of our special series addresses the

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Pathology PPM Appears Ready To Hit Marketplace

CEO SUMMARY: After several months of delays, Physician Solutions recruited a new CEO and completed arrangements to receive $20 million in venture capital funding. These two milestones mean that the pathology-based physician practice management company will soon be ready to launch formal business operations. EVENTS ARE UNFOLDING RAPIDLY at Physician Solutions. During the month of

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“April 13, 1998 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Last Thursday was the 20th Annual Conference of the Biomedical Marketing Association (BMA). Held in Baltimore, it brought together the marketing and sales executives from diagnostics companies all over the United States. The program focused on changes to how hospitals and laboratories purchase diagnostic equipment and supplies. MORE ON:…BMA Consolidation within the diagnostics industry is

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