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April 2020

Companies Saw Big Drop in Lab Revenue from Mid-March

This is an excerpt of a 2,083-word article in the April 20, 2020 issue of THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: In response to the coronavirus outbreak,Ā patients stopped seeing their doctors for routine care and hospitalsĀ ceased doing elective services. With fewer test referrals,Ā clinical […]

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Companies Saw Big Drop in Lab Revenue from Mid-March Read More Ā»

Clinical Labs Step Up, But Serious Problems Are Ahead

ACROSS THE UNITED STATES, CLINICAL LABORATORIES ARE LIVING a goodĀ news/bad news story. The good news is that the essential role every lab playsĀ in enabling fast, accurate diagnoses is now at the top of the news cycle.Ā Daily, citizens of this country hear from the President and health officialsĀ that itā€™s a clinical laboratory test for SARS-CoV-2 which

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Clinical Labs Step Up, But Serious Problems Are Ahead Read More Ā»

Lab, Path Finances Crash; Next Test Wave: Serology

CEO SUMMARY: For clinical laboratories and anatomicĀ pathology groups, the day-by-day impact of the COVID-19Ā pandemic is unfolding much like Hurricane Katrina hitting NewĀ Orleans in 2005. Every 24 hours, labs get unwelcome news,Ā along with uncertainty about whether it will get worse beforeĀ it gets better. As of today, labs are watching their daily cashĀ flow fall below operating costs,

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Lab, Path Finances Crash; Next Test Wave: Serology Read More Ā»

From Mid-March, Labs Saw Big Drop in Revenue

CEO SUMMARY: In response to the coronavirus outbreak,Ā patients stopped seeing their doctors for routine care and hospitalsĀ ceased doing elective services. With fewer test referrals,Ā clinical labs and pathology groups were hit with a substantialĀ decline in revenue. One of the nationā€™s largest revenue cycleĀ managers serving labs reported thatā€”over the four weeksĀ beginning in the second week of Marchā€”revenue

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From Mid-March, Labs Saw Big Drop in Revenue Read More Ā»

Labs May Qualify for Relief Under New Federal Laws

CEO SUMMARY: After routine testing and specimen volumeĀ declined last month, so too did the associated revenue. InĀ response, clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groupsĀ want to bolster their finances quickly or risk incurring moreĀ financial damage to already-fragile balance sheets. Under theĀ Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,Ā and other stimulus plans from Congress, labs and pathologyĀ groups may

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Labs May Qualify for Relief Under New Federal Laws Read More Ā»

Italyā€™s SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak Brings Out Best in Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Italy was one of the first countriesĀ outside of China to experience an explosiveĀ outbreak of COVID-19 and its northern provincesĀ were hit hardest by this novel coronavirus. In this exclusive interview with THE DARK REPORT, internationally-known pathologist Mario Plebani, MD,Ā discusses how his clinical laboratory in PadovaĀ responded to the pandemic in the Veneto Region. Second of

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Italyā€™s SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak Brings Out Best in Clinical Labs Read More Ā»

DOJ Says Georgia Man Got Kickbacks for COVID-19 Tests

JUST WEEKS AFTER THE FIRST CASES OF SARS-CoV-2 appeared in the UnitedĀ States, federal prosecutors filed criminalĀ charges in a COVID-19 lab test fraudĀ scheme. Erik Santos, 49, of Braselton, Ga.,Ā was charged with conspiracy to defraudĀ federal and private healthcare programsĀ by submitting fraudulent testing claims forĀ COVID-19 and genetic cancer screenings. This may be a sign that federal healthcareĀ investigators will

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DOJ Says Georgia Man Got Kickbacks for COVID-19 Tests Read More Ā»

Chicago Lab Launches LDT, Finds 20% Positive

CEO SUMMARY: After seeing the novel coronavirus spreadĀ quickly in China, staff in the Department of Pathology andĀ Laboratory Medicine developed a test to identify the pathogenĀ in patients in Chicago and its suburbs. With the CDCā€™s assayĀ in hand, it started work on its own lab-developed test. In earlyĀ April, the lab tested more than 10,000 patients and approximatelyĀ 20%

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Chicago Lab Launches LDT, Finds 20% Positive

APRIL 20, 2020 Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

Not only did the outbreakĀ of SARS-CoV-2Ā in the United StatesĀ show how unprepared theĀ nation was for an event likeĀ this, but it exposed numerousĀ problems and weaknessesĀ in the federal agencies taskedĀ with protecting the health andĀ safety of the American public. One high-profile failure happenedĀ when the Centers forĀ Disease Control and PreventionĀ (CDC) shipped defectiveĀ COVID-19 test kits to publicĀ health laboratories in earlyĀ February. It

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APRIL 20, 2020 Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

At the Epicenter, Northwellā€™s COVID-19 Lab Data Adds Value

CEO SUMMARY: This intelligence briefing providesĀ a valuable look inside a clinical laboratory thatĀ is at ground zero in a city and state that is experiencingĀ the nationā€™s most intense and fastest-movingĀ incidence of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus. LabĀ leadership granted The Dark Report access to itsĀ strategies and how it supports health system administrators,Ā physicians and patients, and state andlocal health

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At the Epicenter, Northwellā€™s COVID-19 Lab Data Adds Value Read More Ā»
