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August 2005

PCR Celebrates Its Twentieth Anniversary in 2005

IT’S BEEN A BUSY YEAR AND I HOPE NO ONE THINKS we’ve been remiss by not mentioning a milestone anniversary until now. On the other hand, I personally can’t recall reading about this anniversary elsewhere in the lab industry press during 2005. So maybe I am among the few to call attention to the fact […]

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PCR Celebrates Its Twentieth Anniversary in 2005

Innovative AP Reports Created by Path Group

CEO SUMMARY: Too often local pathology groups fail to react to intensified sales competition for the biopsy referrals of clinicians in their community. In Torrance, California, the 30 pathologists of Pathology, Inc. decided it was time to invest capital and resources into developing their own flavor of “value-added” pathology services. These custom-tailored pathology reports are

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Innovative AP Reports Created by Path Group

Quest Pays $934 Million In Acquisition of LabOne

CEO SUMMARY: In many ways, this acquisition would appear to be the “same old story” of lab consolidation that has marked the lab industry for almost 20 years. Yet, beneath the surface is an unexpected dimension: a motive to use the resources of both companies to better position Quest Diagnostics Incorporated to compete in the

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Quest Pays $934 Million In Acquisition of LabOne Read More Âť

Picking Winners and Losers For the Molecular Test Menu

CEO SUMMARY: In the 15 years it has operated a molecular diagnostics testing program, Beaumont Reference Laboratory (BRL) has learned important lessons on how to evaluate which specific molecular assays are ready for clinical introduction. It has also learned effective ways to anticipate the clinical and financial success of such assays. Part II of this

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Picking Winners and Losers For the Molecular Test Menu Read More Âť

Proteomic Tests Poised For Clinical Market

CEO SUMMARY: Proteomics-based technology is developing rapidly. The strategic collaboration announced last month between Ciphergen Biosystems and Quest Diagnostics Incorporated is potentially worth $25 million. It is an expensive bet that next-generation proteomics tests soon to enter the clinical marketplace will provide high clinical utility and give physicians new diagnostic tools. NEW PROTEOMIC-BASED TECHNOLOGIES ARE

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Proteomic Tests Poised For Clinical Market

“August 22, 2005 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

In California, some physicians continue to seek illegal kickbacks from clinical laboratories. The problem is widespread enough that the FBI has conducted several “sting operations.” In a jury trial related to the long-running “Durascam” healthcare fraud investigation, a married pair of doctors, Adelina Vorperian, M.D. and Kevork Vorperian, M.D., were convicted on charges of accepting

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New Federal Anti-kickback Investigation

POTENTIAL ANTI-KICKBACK VIOLATIONS in ancillary clinical service arrangements between referring physicians and providers like radiologists and laboratories continue to attract the interest of federal healthcare investigators. Right now, it appears radiology is a primary target. Last week, the Wall Street Journal disclosed that federal health investigators issued warrants and subpoenas to University MRI & Diagnostic

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New Federal Anti-kickback Investigation

For Quest and LabCorp, The Story is “Molecular”

CEO SUMMARY: Wall Street likes the potential of molecular diagnostics to infuse new revenues and operating profits into the laboratory industry. That is one reason Quest Diagnostics Incorporated and Laboratory Corporation of America are assertively seeking exclusive access to new molecular technologies. The latest such deal is Quest Diagnostics’ $42.8 million agreement with Ciphergen Biosystems.

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For Quest and LabCorp, The Story is “Molecular” Read More »

Technology Can Now Enable “Card Swipe” for Draw Sites

COLLECTING SMALL AMOUNTS of money from patients for deductible, co-pay, and self-pay fees has always bedeviled laboratories. However, new technology holds the promise of solving this long-standing problem. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina (BCBC-SC) is currently offering a new “card-swipe” device to physicians in the state. The device lets insured beneficiaries see exactly how much

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Technology Can Now Enable “Card Swipe” for Draw Sites Read More »

Pinkus DermPath Earns ISO-9000 Certification

CEO SUMMARY: After learning about quality management systems at a recent Executive War College, the lab director at Pinkus Dermatopathology recognized how such techniques could be used in his lab to improve quality, reduce errors, and create a better working environment for both pathologists and lab staff. ISO-9000 was the quality system of choice because

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Pinkus DermPath Earns ISO-9000 Certification
