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February 2008

Creative Destruction in Anatomic Pathology

PATHOLOGISTS MAY BE FAMILIAR with the economic theory of ā€œcreative destruction.ā€ They are aware of how ā€œcreative destructionā€ is at work transforming and reshaping both the anatomic pathology marketplace and the clinical lab testing marketplace. Economist Joseph Schumpeter first used the term in his 1942 book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. He described how constant innovation […]

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Creative Destruction in Anatomic Pathology

Powerful Trends Reshaping Anatomic Path Profession

CEO SUMMARY: THE DARK REPORT presents its newest biannual review of macro trends reshaping the anatomic pathology profession. These macro trends reveal a profession undergoing change and transformation on multiple fronts. New competitors are crowding into the market, payers and accrediting agencies are demanding higher standards of performance, and a host of new technologies are

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Powerful Trends Reshaping Anatomic Path Profession

February 11, 2008 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

In an attempt to stop or delay the start of the Medicare Laboratory Competitive Demonstration Project for the San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos SMA (statistical metropolitan area), a lawsuit has been filed in federal court by Internist Laboratory of Carlsbad, Sharp Healthcare of San Diego, and Scripps Healthcare of San Diego. Filed on January 29 in the

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February 11, 2008 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More Ā»
