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February 1998

Rate of Change Follows a Geometric Curve

JANUARY WAS A WILD MONTH FOR COMPANIES OFFERING automated cytology products. January opened with new CPT codes for automated cytology procedures taking effect. January closed with news that the FDA’s advisory panel, convened on January 28, recommended approval of the PMA supplement of NeoPath, Inc.’s automated cytology instrument for primary screening of Pap smears. Do not […]

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Rate of Change Follows a Geometric Curve Read More »

Automated Pap Screening Gains Recommendation

CEO SUMMARY: Automated cytology technology received a big boost when the FDA’s advisory panel voted to recommend that the FDA approve, with conditions, NeoPath’s AutoPap® System as a primary Pap Smear Screener. The company still awaits final FDA approval on this matter. ON JANUARY 28, the Food And Drug Administration’s (FDA) Hematology and Pathology Devices

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Neuromedical’s PAPNET® Undergoing Enhancement

CEO SUMMARY: Financial pressures and a falling stock price impelled Neuromedical Systems, Inc. to revamp its sales and marketing plan for the PAPNET® System. During 1998, expect a new sales approach that supports a product with enhanced capabilities. Neuromedical is developing overseas markets while pursuing primary screening approval in the United States. EXPECT TO SEE

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Automated Cytology Technology To Come Into Its Own In 1998

CEO SUMMARY: This is the year when automated cytology establishes itself. New companies will gain FDA approval and enter the marketplace during the next 18-24 months. Core technology will continue to evolve at a rapid rate. Pathologists and cytotechnologists will find themselves challenged to stay current with the pace of new product development. Because of

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Automated Cytology Technology To Come Into Its Own In 1998 Read More »

SmithKline May Merge With Glaxo Wellcome

CEO SUMMARY: Both companies confirm that merger talks are under way. The merger is another example of consolidation within the healthcare industry, and is expected to trigger mergers between other drug companies. Fate of SmithKline’s clinical laboratory division in the merger with Glaxo Wellcome is unclear. NEWS OF A POSSIBLE MERGER between SmithKline Beecham PLC

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“February 9, 1998 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Brian Carr and Haywood Cochrane’s Pathology Consultants of America (PCA) is wasting no time. On January 19 the Nashville-based company announced the formal launch of operations. (See TDR, January 19, 1998.) This was followed by another announcement 15 days later that PCA had obtained a $15 million credit line from NationsBank. The pathology-based physicians practice

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3rd Annual War College Highlights Managed Care

CEO SUMMARY: Laboratory executives seeking ways to survive and thrive with managed care contracts will find innovative strategies at this year’s EXECUTIVE WAR COLLEGE on Laboratory Management in New Orleans on May 12-13. Also featured are powerful case studies that define effective management in the post-laboratory consolidation phase. Mclinical laboratories gets special attention at this

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