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March 1998

Regionalization And Consolidation Continue

STORIES IN THIS ISSUE REVEAL HOW PERVASIVE THE TRENDS of regionalization and consolidation are. Whether one agrees or disagrees that managed care is the future of healthcare, it is obvious that regionalization and consolidation will continue to transform healthcare. Consolidation transformed the commercial laboratory industry. Consolidation is now transforming hospitals, directly impacting hospital- based laboratories. […]

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Regionalization And Consolidation Continue

Tennessee Lab Network In Start-Up Preparations

CEO SUMMARY: Planning for the Middle Tennessee Healthcare Networkā€™s proposed regional laboratory network took longer than expected, but not without good cause. Organizers of this laboratory network did their homework and created a solid business plan. Approval by CEOs from the participating 12 hospitals to launch operations was unanimous. FEBRUARY WAS A MILESTONE MONTH in

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Tennessee Lab Network In Start-Up Preparations

MTHN Provides Lessons In Creating Lab Networks

CEO SUMMARY: Every regional laboratory network in the United States is unique. Regional variations in healthcare and business objectives are different in every case. But the management problems of network structure, governance, marketing and finance are always the same. Here are some useful lessons learned by the Middle Tennessee Healthcare Network. PROBABLY NO OTHER laboratory

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MTHN Provides Lessons In Creating Lab Networks

Selling A Path Practice Requires Knowledge, Savvy & Good Timing

CEO SUMMARY: Historically, there was virtually no market for buying and selling pathology practices. That is rapidly changing as the first pathology practice management (PPM) companies enter the marketplace. Their business plan requires them to acquire pathology practices if they are to grow and prosper. In the first installment of this special two-part series, we

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Selling A Path Practice Requires Knowledge, Savvy & Good Timing Read More Ā»

Innovative Management Ideas Theme of Laboratory War College

ONCE AGAIN, THE Executive War College on Laboratory Management promises to be the management event of the year. Scheduled for May 12-13 at the New Orleans Sheraton, the program features 26 presentations covering the latest developments inn laboratory management. As in past years, there will be case studies presented by some of the most innovative

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Innovative Management Ideas Theme of Laboratory War College Read More Ā»

Big Loss At MedPartners, Aetna Buys NY Life Unit

CEO SUMMARY: Consolidation of the healthcare industry may be continuing, but the process is not profitable for some of the countryā€™s largest corporations. Clinical laboratories will continue to be impacted by the financial fortunes of these major players. Hereā€™s why the troubles at MedPartners and Aetna/U.S. Healthcare presage more financial pressure. TWO MAJOR COMPANIES in

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Big Loss At MedPartners, Aetna Buys NY Life Unit Read More Ā»

“March 23, 1998 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Independent physician association (IPA) executives gathered in Orlando two weeks ago for the annual meeting of TIPAAA, The IPA Association of America. Because IPAs play an increasing role in contracting for laboratory services, THE DARK REPORT was in attendance to learn more about this phenomenon. Over 1,000 people showed up for the meeting. ADD TO:ā€¦TIPAAA

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“March 23, 1998 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More Ā»

Consumer Choice Decimates HMO Business Plan

I ENCOURAGE YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE STORY about the financial woes ofĀ managed care plans in this issue. After virtually every big HMO company reported sizeable losses for 1997, Kaiser Permanente joined the club with a $270 million loss. Following years of soaring profits, it appears that health insurers are about to enter a sustained

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Consumer Choice Decimates HMO Business Plan

1998ā€™s Movers & Shakers Go Beyond The Ordinary

CEO SUMMARY: As the laboratory industry undergoes fundamental change, new business and management models must be developed. Our list of ā€œMovers and Shakersā€ for 1998 highlights individuals now leading the science of laboratory management toward these new paradigms. FINDING EXAMPLES OF LEADERSHIP and innovation among executives and managers within the clinical laboratory industry can be

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1998ā€™s Movers & Shakers Go Beyond The Ordinary Read More Ā»

DIANON Systems Acquires Pathology Lab In Florida

CEO SUMMARY: Another national pathology player is betting on Florida. DIANON Systems, Inc.ā€™s purchase of a local pathology laboratory raises the competitive bar in Florida. With AmeriPath and Pathology Service Associates already gearing up to battle for market share, DIANONā€™s local presence brings a savvy competitor closer to the battleground. FlORIDA IS ABOUT TO BECOME

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DIANON Systems Acquires Pathology Lab In Florida
