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January 2006

Coding Edits Are a Potential Hammerblow to Pathology

DURING THE NEXT SIX MONTHS, WE WILL WITNESS an intense debate between the pathology profession and the Medicare/Medicaid bureaucracy. This battle will center around the proposed MUEs (Medically Unbelievable Edits) which place restrictions on the units of service per patient per day on key CPT codes widely used in laboratory medicine. As you will read […]

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Coding Edits Are a Potential Hammerblow to Pathology Read More »

Proposed Coding Edits May Restrict 88305 Use

CEO SUMMARY: When the Medicare contractor tasked with developing MUEs (Medically Unbelievable Edits) for this year’s Correct Coding Initiative work released the proposed list of edits to the AMA, it didn’t take long for the bad news to reach the pathology profession. Restriction on units of service per patient are proposed for approximately 80 pathology

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AD PathLabs Is Closed, Assets & Clients Are Sold

CEOSUMMARY: AD PathLabs, Inc. was a regional anatomic pathology company built around a unique business model: It would provide technical AP services to local hospitals and other clients and allow referring physicians to perform the professional services on the cases they referred to AD PathLabs. After four years of operations, AD PathLabs closed its doors

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AD PathLabs Is Closed, Assets & Clients Are Sold Read More »

Failure of AD Pathlabs: Structural Weakness?

CEO SUMMARY: AD PathLabs is the latest in a string of business disappointments. Over the past decade, a number of anatomic pathology companies have proven that they can grow rapidly—attracting substantial volumes of specimens. But these companies seem to hit a financial wall that leads their owners to sell the firms to more traditional laboratory

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Failure of AD Pathlabs: Structural Weakness? Read More »

Luminex and PerkinElmer Ink Licensing Agreement

CEO SUMMARY: PerkinElmer’s interest in the multiplex capabilities of Luminex’s xMap technology led to this new licensing agreement. PerkinElmer’s instrument systems played a major role in accelerating the work of the Human Genome Project. Now, besides bioresearch applications, PerkinElmer wants to look for opportunities to develop high-volume, multi-analyte assays for in vitro diagnostics. IN RECENT

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Luminex and PerkinElmer Ink Licensing Agreement Read More »

Genomic Health, TriPath Imaging, Bio-Reference Labs, Canadian Patient Registry

PREDICTIVE TESTING FOR RECURRENT BREAST CANCER LABORATORY TESTS DESIGNED to predict the recurrence of breast cancer are picking up momentum. First to market was Genomic Health Inc.’s Oncotype DX™ breast cancer test. Now TriPath Imaging, Inc. is reporting favorable results from studies of its ProEx Br markers for breast cancer. Since introducing Oncotype DX in

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Genomic Health, TriPath Imaging, Bio-Reference Labs, Canadian Patient Registry Read More »

New Instrument Targets Cervical Cancer Detection

CEO SUMMARY: Guided Therapeutics, Inc. of Norcross, Georgia is working to develop proprietary technology into an improved method for detecting cervical cancer. It wants to give ob-gyns and other physicians an instrument system that can be used in the office to provide real-time results to patients. The procedure will be non-invasive and it will determine

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New Instrument Targets Cervical Cancer Detection Read More »

January 16, 2006 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

In recent months, the buzz around the lab industry in Southern California has been that Healthline Clinical Laboratories, Inc. is up for sale. THE DARK REPORT believes news of a sales agreement is imminent. The new buyer is likely to be a pair of looking-for-work lab executives in the region, backed by private equity investors.

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January 16, 2006 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More »
