Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


February 1999

Good Market Analysis Leads to Accurate Predictions

HOW MANY OF YOU REMEMBER WHEN, JUST A FEW YEARS AGO, it was MetPath/Corning Clinical Laboratories (CCL) which was on the financial ropes? At that time, SmithKline Beecham, PLC was expected to be the likely purchaser of CCL. The date was January 31, 1996. The Wall Street Journal reported that Corning Incorporated, CCL’s parent, “is […]

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Good Market Analysis Leads to Accurate Predictions

Quest to Pay $1.27 Billion To Buy SB’s Lab Division

CEO SUMMARY: Consolidation is the story of the clinical laboratory industry during the 1990s. The decade will close out with the granddaddy laboratory consolidation of them all! When Quest Diagnostics Incorporated completes its acquisition of SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories later this year, it will become a $3 billion laboratory testing behemoth. Expect the merger to

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Integrating Quest & SBCL Presents a Big Challenge

CEO SUMMARY: Will lessons learned during the commercial lab industry’s consolidation frenzy be learned and applied in the Quest-SBCL merger? History has a way of repeating itself. But Quest Diagnostics’ CEO has a different plan. He also has a tool not utilized by lab executives earlier this decade—the customer-first management philosophy of “meeting and exceeding

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Successful Laboratories Share Winning Methods

CEO SUMMARY: Leading laboratory organizations from three countries will take the podium at the EXECUTIVE WAR COLLEGE in New Orleans on May 11-12, 1999. Their objective: to share up-to-date information on effective laboratory management strategies and methods used to deal with the challenges of managed care, declining reimbursement and healthcare consolidation. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE DEVELOPMENTS in laboratory

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Successful Laboratories Share Winning Methods

Pathology Consolidation Offers Many Local Benefits

CEO SUMMARY: Consolidation of pathology practices can be a complex and drawn-out process. But it doesn’t have to be that way. During the 1990s, Bayless Pathmark of Cleveland grew from a two-man practice into a regional pathology resource numbering 22 pathologists and serving 10 hospitals. One surprising result of this process was an increase in

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Pathology Consolidation Offers Many Local Benefits

Bio-Reference Labs, Tenet Healthcare, IMPATH

BIO-REFERENCE LABS QUIETLY IMPROVING LAB INFORMATION CAPABILITY LABORATORY INFORMATION is the strategic business plan driver at Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc. of Elmwood Park, New Jersey. The company has begun to install an information management system throughout its laboratory organization. “Introducing this software gives us an ideal solution for managing information, i.e., reports, statements, invoices, and any

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Bio-Reference Labs, Tenet Healthcare, IMPATH

Automated Pap Smear Screening Expected to Build Market Share

EXPECT 1999 TO BE A PIVOTAL YEAR in automated Pap smear screening. This new technology is now poised to enter general clinical usage. As it does, an increasing volume of clinical data will make the case: either automated screening of Pap smears is clinically effective and economically justified—or it is not. Evidence that automated Pap

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“February 22, 1999 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Here’s more validation that laboratories can use information links to doctors’ offices as added value. A recent survey of hospital CIOs was completed by PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Zinn Enterprises and Modern Healthcare Weekly. It revealed that the number one information project was clinical communication infrastructure/ links to clinicians. Over 55% of the hospitals polled were working to

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“Value Added” Services Essential to Success

ONE ELEMENT COMMON TO SUCCESSFUL LABORATORY ORGANIZATIONS of the future will be the ability to both understand the concept of “value added” services and to offer such services to customers. At its core, value added is an essential business strategy. There are many ways to define “value added.” But the intent is unquestioned. Any product

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“Value Added” Services Essential to Success Read More »

IMPATH Creates Its Brand Of Value-Added Pathology

CEO SUMMARY: IMPATH Inc. is a pathology company with an interesting twist. It doesn’t compete directly with community hospital-based pathologists like some national AP providers. Instead, it offers AP services which supplement the capabilities of the local pathologist. The formula must work. During IMPATH’s short life, it has grown rapidly. Revenues are up, profits are

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IMPATH Creates Its Brand Of Value-Added Pathology
