Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


November 2005

Using Laboratory Informatics to Add Value

IN THIS ISSUE, YOU WILL READ ABOUT THE SALE of Spectrum Laboratory Network and the ongoing integration of laboratory services at Geisinger Health System. Although, on first reading, it may seem that these two stories are unrelated, I would like to call your attention to a common attribute that underpins the success of these two […]

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Using Laboratory Informatics to Add Value

Spectrum Lab Network Is Sold to Equity Investor

CEO SUMMARY: Timing of the sale of Spectrum Laboratory Network to Apax Partners, L.P. was unexpected, but itā€™s been known for some time that the fast-growing regional laboratory was entertaining purchase offers. Under new ownership and with ready access to ample capital, Spectrum is optimistic that it can sustain its rapid rate of growth while

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Spectrum Lab Network Is Sold to Equity Investor Read More Ā»

Private Equity Firms: Ready to Buy More Labs?

CEO SUMMARY: Times are good in the laboratory industry. At least thatā€™s the opinion of a growing number of professional investors. They are searching throughout the country for laboratories to acquire. They are motivated by the consistent financial performance of many lab companies, both public and private. Another message from the Spectrum sale is that

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Private Equity Firms: Ready to Buy More Labs? Read More Ā»

Congressional Bill Introduced On Cytology Proficiency Testing

THEREā€™S A NEW CHALLENGE to the near-monopoly on cytology proficiency testing held by Midwest Institute of Medical Education(MIME) of Indianapolis, Indiana. Last Friday, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) announced a new bill in the House of Representatives that would suspend and revise the existing federal program under which pathologists, cytotechnologists and other professionals involved

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Congressional Bill Introduced On Cytology Proficiency Testing

Lab Integration At Geisinger Contributes to Better Outcomes

CEO SUMMARY: There have been two benefits from the use of sophisticated laboratory informatics at the laboratory division of Geisinger Health System in Danville, Pennsylvania. Benefit one is a standardized, fully-integrated lab information system that collects all lab test results, including point-of- care, into a single data repository that feeds Geisingerā€™s electronic medical record. The

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Lab Integration At Geisinger Contributes to Better Outcomes Read More Ā»

Payers Begin Speeding Up Payment to Physicians

CEO SUMMARY: Labs and pathology groups have always found it tough to bill patients and collect a high proportion of those obligations. That situation is about to change, and fast! Payers recognize that, as more consumers are required to pay higher deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pocket expenses, they will have to offer physicians and other providers

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Payers Begin Speeding Up Payment to Physicians

“November 14, 2005 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Home screening for colon cancer is about to commence on a large scale in the United Kingdom. Beginning in April 2006, two million people between the ages of 60 and 69 will be sent test kits every second year. Consumers will receive Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) test kits. They will collect their own specimens and

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