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May 1997

Visualize Your Laboratory’s Future

Many of you who read this will be in attendance at the second annual Executive War College on Medical Laboratory Networking in New Orleans. The case studies of laboratory consolidation and regional laboratory networks that you’ll hear provide compelling evidence that laboratories must change if they are to survive and thrive. This issue of THE […]

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Visualize Your Laboratory’s Future Read More »

Ex-NHL Executives Buy American Medical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: American Medical Laboratories’ sale to new owners is a major event. Not only does the new management team have a reputation for top performance in selling clinical laboratory services, but they also arrive with an ample war chest. When the revamped AML hits the competitive laboratory marketplace, they are sure to shake things

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Regional Lab Systems Beginning To Emerge

CEO SUMMARY: Regionalization of laboratory services is about to become a dominant industry trend. Four groups of players will drive this process and each needs to recruit hospital laboratories to participate in their regional model. This is the first generation of attempts to create financially viable laboratory systems with regional capability. REGIONALIZATION OF LABORATORY and

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Regional Lab Systems Beginning To Emerge Read More »

New Hybrid Lab Systems Provide Peek At Future

CEO SUMMARY: As the first generation of regional laboratory systems begin operation, the marketplace is about to separate winners from losers. Stakes are high for hospital laboratory administrators. If they choose to affiliate with the wrong model, the consequences can cause extended disruption to both their laboratory and the hospital it serves. FOUR COMPETING CONCEPTS

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Public Laboratories Struggling To Maintain Competitive Ability

WITH regional laboratory systems as the theme of this issue, it is appropriate to look at the three national laboratories. What does 1997 and 1998 hold in store for them? For the last three years, news was uniformly bad for virtually every public laboratory. Problems at Corning Clinical Laboratories (now Quest) and Laboratory Corp. of

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Public Laboratories Struggling To Maintain Competitive Ability Read More »

“May 12, 1997 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City is throwing a coming out party for their automated laboratory. Beth Israel is producing a two-day seminar on May 18-19 to demonstrate all aspects of their “totally automated core facility.” It was Carl Teplitz, M.D. who championed the automation project. He is Chairman of the Department of

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