Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


October 1999

Healthcare, Free Markets, and Consumer Choice

ONCE AGAIN, WE ARE PROUD TO BE FIRST TO INFORM YOU ABOUT another major development in the healthcare industry. As you will read here, physician group practices in California are about to undergo a financial meltdown. The ramifications of this will touch healthcare providers in every city around the nation. If there are widespread financial […]

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Healthcare, Free Markets, and Consumer Choice

California’s Physicians Face Financial Meltdown

CEO SUMMARY: It’s a what-if scenario that may come true. Healthcare providers in the Golden State are going broke at an astounding rate. Physicians seem to be the hardest hit, but signs indicate that hospitals are also heading toward serious financial difficulties. In a nutshell, a decade of draconian cutbacks to provider reimbursement have left

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Lab Venture in Houston To Include a New Partner

CEO SUMMARY: For months, lab industry rumors said the Memorial-Hermann merger had killed the Dynacare-Hermann Hospital laboratory joint venture, despite its sustained profitability. Now comes news that the Memorial Hermann Healthcare System and Dynacare will expand the laboratory joint venture. It demonstrates that the economics of a successful laboratory joint venture can be compelling. MANY

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Lab Venture in Houston To Include a New Partner Read More Âť

Revamped Houston JV Validates Industry Trend

CEO SUMMARY: Change is notoriously slow in both the hospital and the clinical laboratory industry. The announcement of a revamped laboratory joint venture between Houston’s Memorial Hermann Healthcare System and Dynacare demonstrates that market pressures continue to encourage the rationalization of laboratory services. It doesn’t hurt that this joint venture also expects to post healthy

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Revamped Houston JV Validates Industry Trend

FDA Wants Abbott Labs To Toe Regulatory Line

CEO SUMMARY: In the short term, it’s Abbott Laboratories which must deal with increasingly aggressive FDA regulators. But the real story behind the story is that the FDA is stepping up regulatory oversight of the entire diagnostics industry. Abbott faces serious consequences if it cannot resolve its disagreement with government regulators about quality issues in

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FDA Wants Abbott Labs To Toe Regulatory Line Read More Âť

Pap Smear Marketplace Shifting into High Gear

CEO SUMMARY: It took just four years to shake out the weakest competitors in the emerging field of automated cytology. Now only TriPath Imaging, Inc. and Cytyc Corporation remain in competition. Indications are that this will be a nasty battle. Pathologists and lab executives contemplating the purchase of either company’s Pap smear products can expect

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Pap Smear Marketplace Shifting into High Gear

UroCor, Unilab, AmeriPath, MedPartners, Epitope

UROCOR INKS PACT TO MATCH DIAGNOSTICS WITH THERAPEUTICS HERE’S A PIONEERING EFFORT to more closely link diagnostics and therapeutics into a single product package. UroCor, Inc. and Mallinckrodt, Inc. signed an agreement that allows Mallinckrodt to sell and distribute UroCor’s new radiation treatment for prostate cancer. UroCor’s product, ProstaSeed I-125, is a radioactive pellet used

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UroCor, Unilab, AmeriPath, MedPartners, Epitope

“October 11, 1999 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Here’s a hats-off to Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (OCD). At a time when everything in the healthcare system seems to be taking things away from clinical laboratories, OCD has organized a worthwhile laboratory management best practices day for its most loyal customers. Started four years ago, this unique event is championed and nurtured by James Ellis, OCD’s

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Big Challenges For Clinical Laboratories

AS YOU WILL READ IN THIS ISSUE, IT IS A REMARKABLE PREDICTION. Our editor states that, in only 24 months, virtually every physicians office in the United States will be connected to its laboratory providers through a web-based arrangement. In my decades of watching the clinical laboratory industry, I have never seen anything approaching the

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Big Challenges For Clinical Laboratories
