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Two Different LDT Lawsuits Combined in Federal Court
Lab industry plaintiffs in both lawsuits agree to combine their legal actions against HHS, FDA
CEO SUMMARY: Different lawsuits challenging the FDA’s LDT rule were filed in recent months by the American Clinical Laboratory Association and the Association for Molecular Pathology. Both lawsuits were filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern ...
Pathologist Frederick Kiechle, MD, Molecular Pioneer, Dies at 78
He was one of the first to bring molecular tests into hospital laboratories and build outreach volumes
Clinical pathology lost one of its greatest practitioners when pathologist Frederick L. Kiechle, MD, PhD, FCAP, of Cooper City, Fla., died on July 30, 2024, at the age of 78. ...
Latest Kaufman Hall Report: 40% of Hospitals Losing Money
Analysis compared finances of 1,300 hospitals for April, compared to this March and last year
MANY HOSPITALS REPORT HEALTHIER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE in the past 18 months. At the same time, a large proportion of U.S...
Proven Ways to Improve Pathologist Productivity and Compensation
How Innovative Pathology Groups Generate More Income
CEO SUMMARY: There is now extensive data from 1,400 pathologists serving in 230 pathology groups that show certain clinical and business strategies can lift a group’s collected revenue and increase the total annual compensation of the group’s pathologists. This is the first of a serie...
Global IVD Companies Issue Third Quarter 2024 Earnings
Nearly all in vitro diagnostics firms report modest growth, discuss plans for 2025
129,624 Genetic Tests in the United States
REGULATION OF LABORATORY DEVELOPED TESTS (LDTs) by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certainly has the attention of lab executives and patholog...
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Volume XXXI, No. 16 – November 25, 2024
Two different federal lawsuits that challenge the authority of the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate laboratory developed tests (LDTs) will be combined. Plaintiffs and the government in both cases agreed to move forward on this basis.
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