Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


September 2004

Making a Difference in Tangible Ways

HOW OFTEN DOES SOMETHING you learn from THE DARK REPORT make a positive difference in your laboratory? We hear lots of examples from our clients and regular readers and Iā€™d like to share two of them with you today. The first example comes from our special, exclusive, and expanded coverage about anatomic pathology (AP) condominium […]

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Making a Difference in Tangible Ways

Is Nationā€™s Best Quality Laboratory in Arizona?

CEO SUMMARY: Without much fanfare or public attention, one lab is achieving recognition for quality and service excellence possibly unmatched in the clinical laboratory industry. In 2003, Sonora Quest Laboratories received Arizonaā€™s Pioneer Award for Qualityā€”the first healthcare provider in Arizona to win that award. Its next goal is to achieve the stateā€™s highest honor,

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Is Nationā€™s Best Quality Laboratory in Arizona?

Double-Digit Increase Predicted For HMO Premiums in 2005

THEREā€™S GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS from the 13th annual Milliman survey of HMOs. Milliman predicts that the rate of health premium increases will decline by 3.8% over last yearā€™s survey. However, the average premium increase for 2005 is still predicted to be in double digits, at 11%. For the lab industry, this is definitely

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Double-Digit Increase Predicted For HMO Premiums in 2005 Read More Ā»

IVD Firms Developing New Marketing Channels

CEO SUMMARY: Manufacturers across the IVD industry are aggressively seeking new marketing channels to reach their laboratory customers in more productive ways. That means moving outside the traditional emphasis on the exhibit halls of laboratory professional association meetings. In the case of Abbott Laboratoriesā€™ Architour, it is a huge semi-tractor trailer rig that brings its

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IVD Firms Developing New Marketing Channels

How Local Path Groups Can Keep Patient Access

CEO SUMMARY: For pathology groups operating their own histology and cytology labs, a growing problem is access to patients covered by exclusive managed care contracts. In the Northeast, several persistent pathology group practices are using some effective business strategies to fight this trend. Not every strategy works every time, but there are enough victories to

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How Local Path Groups Can Keep Patient Access Read More Ā»

TriPath Imaging and Ventana Sign Major Development Pact

IF THE NEW BUSINESS AGREEMENT between Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. and TriPath Imaging, Inc. is successful, then the anatomic pathology laboratory may have a very different look in future years. Last week, Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. announced a five-year global supply agreement with TriPath Imaging, Inc. that involves two primary objectives. First, Ventana will put

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TriPath Imaging and Ventana Sign Major Development Pact Read More Ā»

“September 20, 2004 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. now has access to QdotĀ® nanocrystal technology for in vitro diagnostic applications in anatomic pathology and cytology. Ventana recently licensed the technology from Quantum Dot Corporation (QDC), based in Hayward California. It will use Qdots to create ā€œnext generation rapid, quantitative, and multiplexed assays for cancer diagnosis and disease management.ā€ Qdots

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“September 20, 2004 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More Ā»
