Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


August 2000

Laboratory Information Systems “On the Cheap”

YOUR EDITOR AND I HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTING to make sense of the “Internet Revolution” in recent months. The ability of the Internet to make vast amounts of information available to anyone on demand, no matter where they are in the world, will definitely transform the clinical laboratory industry. After all, the fundamental product of any lab […]

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HMO Decline Predicted As PPOs Gain Enrollment

CEO SUMMARY: Managed care analyst Michael Casey believes HMO enrollment will peak, possibly in 2000. PPOs (preferred provider organizations) are gaining members at an increasing rate. Within California, the provider revolt over deficient reimbursement levels is escalating. Orange County’s largest medical group, with 500 doctors, announced it would not accept new HMO contracts and might

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HMO Decline Predicted As PPOs Gain Enrollment

Genesis Clinical Laboratory Hits Outreach Home Run

CEO SUMMARY: Commercial laboratory consolidation has left Chicago with only a handful of laboratory providers. New management at MacNeal Hospital’s for-profit laboratory division recognized this opportunity. During the past three years, the outreach program was revitalized and the sales force was expanded.The result has been increased revenues and a steady decline in the lab’s average

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Genesis Clinical Laboratory Hits Outreach Home Run

Market Hesitates to Embrace Automated Screening Products

CEO SUMMARY: Technology to enhance and improve conventional Pap smear screening was introduced into the clinical marketplace almost five years ago. But the clinical laboratory industry has yet to embrace these various technologies in any meaningful way. Like the introduction of liquid preparation methods for Pap smear testing, these various technologies to enhance and automate

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Market Hesitates to Embrace Automated Screening Products

Predict Steady Decline In Fees For Web-Based Lab Information

EVEN THOUGH WEB-BASED LAB TEST ordering and results reporting is in its infancy, the free market already seems to be driving prices down. Late in 1999, Healtheon/WebMD, Inc. was reportedly signing contracts to provide Web-based information services for fees ranging between 60¢ and 75¢ per patient (for order and test on the same patient). Aggressive

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Predict Steady Decline In Fees For Web-Based Lab Information Read More Âť

IMPATH, AmeriPath, LabOne, MedTox, Genomics Collaborative, PharmChem, CARESIDE, Luminex, Fisher Scientific

EMERGING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN TISSUE BANKS & CANCER DATA EVEN AS THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM squeezes pathologist incomes in a variety of specific professional services, it opens up business opportunities in other segments of the pathology field. Researchers and pharmaceutical companies want clinical data on cancer cases. They also have a need to evaluate a wide

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IMPATH, AmeriPath, LabOne, MedTox, Genomics Collaborative, PharmChem, CARESIDE, Luminex, Fisher Scientific Read More Âť

“August 21, 2000 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc. (BRLI) announced that its physician Web portal service,, gained 200 enrolled physicians in the first eight days following its August 1, 2000 release. As a laboratory company, BRLI recognizes that its physician network is the real asset in today’s world of healthcare informatics. is BRLI CEO Dr. Mark Grodman’s answer

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