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March 2010

For Better or for Worse: Nation Has New Health Law

CONGRESS AND THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION HAVE THEIR HEALTH LAW. Whether this new law serves the citizens of this country for the better or for the worse will not be known for several years into the future. I suspect that many of our elected officials in the House and Senate do not fully understand the major […]

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For Better or for Worse: Nation Has New Health Law Read More Âť

2.3% Medical Device Tax Hits Clinical Labs in 2013

CEO SUMMARY: One aspect of the massive new health bill is that medical device companies will pay a 2.3% tax, effective January 1, 2013. Students of economics know that it is customers who invariably end up paying such direct taxes. Thus, clinical laboratories in the United States should prepare to see this 2.3% tax show

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2.3% Medical Device Tax Hits Clinical Labs in 2013 Read More Âť

Business Advantages From Whole Slide Imaging

CEO SUMMARY: Whole slide imaging (WSI) is a niche product today, but it offers the potential to redefine the practice of pathology. That’s the opinion of pathologists presenting at a digital pathology workshop last month. One pathologist explained how WSI significantly improves collaboration between pathologists and referring physicians. Another pathologist explained how regulators soon may

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Business Advantages From Whole Slide Imaging

Use of Point-of-Care Testing Reduces Mortality by 50%

CEO Summary: In a thinly-populated region the size of Texas and New Mexico combined, an integrated clinical care program based on point-of- care testing (POCT) has delivered impressive gains in health outcomes. For rural residents, mortality rates from cardiovascular disease have fallen by 50%. There were comparable declines in hospital length of stay and the

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Use of Point-of-Care Testing Reduces Mortality by 50% Read More Âť

Serious Problems Plague Newfoundland Laboratory

CEO SUMMARY: Newfoundland’s St. John laboratory was rocked by revelations in February that its cyclosporine testing was flawed, exposing patients to the harmful affects from inappropriately high doses of the immunosuppressant drug. Within weeks of this news, the Chief of Laboratory Medicine resigned. Now a team from Toronto’s University Health Network (UHN) is at the

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Serious Problems Plague Newfoundland Laboratory

March 29, 2010 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

News sources are reporting a rumor that President Barack Obama intends to appoint Donald Berwick, M.D., as Director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Berwick is currently Director of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in Boston, Massachusetts. He has been outspoken about the need for healthcare to devote more effort to improving

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March 29, 2010 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More Âť

Oncologists Cut Into Pathologists’ Revenue Pie

EVENTS NOW UNFOLDING IN DALLAS, TEXAS, SIGNAL A DIFFERENT DIRECTION for pathology and clinical laboratory testing. As you will read on pages 3-9, in May, just weeks from now, a new laboratory company, funded with $40 million from an unlikely combination of four partners, is about to become operational. The primary business objective of the

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Oncologists Cut Into Pathologists’ Revenue Pie Read More »

Baylor Pathologists Form Lab with US Oncology

CEO SUMMARY: In Dallas, Pathologists Bio-Medical Laboratories is part of a new laboratory partnership that includes Baylor Health Care System, Texas Oncology, and US Oncology. The four partners ponied up a total of $40 million in cash and debt to build a state-of-the art laboratory in a 172,000 square foot building. To be called “MedFusion,”

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Baylor Pathologists Form Lab with US Oncology

Two New Pathology Models Will Soon Be Tried in Dallas

CEO SUMMARY: There are notable aspects to how and why four unlikely partners are banding together to invest $40 million and create the nation’s newest reference and esoteric testing laboratory. It was the pathologists at Baylor University Hospital in Dallas, Texas, who originated the vision and initiated conversations with the other three partners. This new

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Two New Pathology Models Will Soon Be Tried in Dallas Read More Âť

Pathology Errors in Canada Make National News Once Again

YET ONE MORE TIME, pathology errors are making national headlines in Canada. News of errors by a surgeon and a pathologist in a Windsor, Ontario, hospital caught provincial health officials off balance. The simple story is that an experienced surgeon at 305-bed Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital performed a mastectomy on a patient that did not have

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Pathology Errors in Canada Make National News Once Again Read More Âť
