Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


February 2000

Proposed Federal Budget Threatens Laboratories

BY NOW MOST OF YOU KNOW THAT PRESIDENT CLINTONā€™S FY01 BUDGET is not kind to the clinical laboratory industry. It seeks to restore the 20% copayment for lab services, cuts 30% out of the reimbursement for four tests, and institutes the Medicare competitive bidding concept for lab services. Over the last 15 years, the track […]

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Proposed Federal Budget Threatens Laboratories

Quantum Dots Targeting Multiplexed Bioassays

CEO SUMMARY: Hereā€™s another exciting new technology which promises to expand the capabilities of diagnostic testing while lowering laboratory costs. Based on research originally done during the 1970ā€™s, quantum dotsā„¢ are nanometer-sized semiconductors with unique properties. Quantum Dot Corporation wants to use an ā€œIntel Insideā€ strategy with diagnostic partners to launch new assays. DIAGNOSTIC TESTING

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Quantum Dots Targeting Multiplexed Bioassays

Abatonā€™s Web Solution In Use at Allina, Centrex

CEO SUMMARY: was among the first companies to actually have Web-based information products linking hospital labs and physician offices. As early as 1997, the Allina Health System was working with to implement a laboratory test requisition/test results system using Web browsers. Centrex Clinical Labs is another Abaton client now implementing a Web-based, thin

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Abatonā€™s Web Solution In Use at Allina, Centrex Read More Ā»

Single-Specialty Path PPMs Posting Strong Growth, Profits

CEO SUMMARY: Although the financial travails of the physician practice management (PPM) industry are widely known, there is little recognition that a number of single-specialty PPMs are doing well. This is true of pathology, where at least six pathology-based PPMs still remain in business. The best of them demonstrate strong revenue growth and good profits.

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Single-Specialty Path PPMs Posting Strong Growth, Profits

Client Bill Pricing Policy Rises To Medicare Level

CEO SUMMARY: Within the laboratory industry, there has been a decade-long debate over whether offering discount prices in client bill states could violate some Medicare regulations. UroCor, Inc. decided that an OIG opinion issued in December to a pathology company signaled a potential change in how HCFA and the OIG might begin to view client

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Client Bill Pricing Policy Rises To Medicare Level Read More Ā»

“February 14, 2000 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Interesting things are afoot at Dynacareā€™s joint venture in Houston, Texas with Memorial Hermann Healthcare System. Bill Pesci, Chief Operating Officer of Dynacare Hermann Laboratories, resigned in January to take a new position on the east coast. That seems to have triggered an exodus of the management team in Houston. Within the last three weeks,

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“February 14, 2000 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More Ā»
