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May 1999

Recognizing What the Marketplace Teaches Us

IT IS ONLY IN HINDSIGHT THAT MOST PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH of a situation. Unfortunately for laboratory employees in New York City, the lack of foresight by their leaders must inevitably lead to job cutbacks at three recently constructed laboratories. As you will read in our “Tale of Two Cities” starting on the next page, […]

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Recognizing What the Marketplace Teaches Us

A Tale of Two Cities: New York Versus L.A.

CEO SUMMARY: Here’s a dramatic comparison of the effects of advanced managed care on West Coast laboratories as compared to East Coast laboratories. While Los Angeles labs endured radical downsizing and bankruptcy, New York experienced significant increases to existing laboratory capacity. The consequence could be that some New York laboratories may yet have to undergo

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A Tale of Two Cities: New York Versus L.A. Read More Âť

Diagnostics Companies React To Changing Lab Marketplace

CEO SUMMARY: During the last five years, extensive consolidation among in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers has created a new class of industry giants. Their increased dominance of the IVD marketplace promises significant change to how laboratories acquire and use reagents, test kits, and new IVD instruments. Here’s how and why the IVD industry transformed itself

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Diagnostics Companies React To Changing Lab Marketplace

Insurance Premiums Climb 9.7% For Calpers in Calendar 2000

MORE VALIDATION that healthcare premiums will trend upwards at near double-digit rates came from California this week. The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Calpers) announced it will pay average rate increases of 9.7% to HMOs starting in 2000. This is significant because Calpers is considered one of the shrewdest buyers of healthcare in the nation.

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Insurance Premiums Climb 9.7% For Calpers in Calendar 2000 Read More Âť

AmeriPath, Cytyc, Unilab, Naiad

AMERIPATH INKS PACT WITH MEDAPHIS, BUYS FLORIDA PATH PRACTICE Things are busy at AmeriPath, Inc. of Riviera Beach, Florida. The pathology practice management company announced a number of accomplishments. First, it signed an agreement with Medaphis Corporation of Atlanta. Medaphis will provide “comprehensive reimbursement services” for 20 AmeriPath practice locations. These will include billing, AR,

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AmeriPath, Cytyc, Unilab, Naiad

LabCorp Making Steady Progress On Path Back to Financial Health

MOST OF THE LAB INDUSTRY is watching the impending acquisition by Quest Diagnostics Incorporated of SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories (SBCL). This big news overshadows the steady gains made at Laboratory Corporation of America in its efforts to return to financial stability. After several years of financial struggle, the company is showing improved financial performance for

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LabCorp Making Steady Progress On Path Back to Financial Health Read More Âť

“May 17, 1999 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Maybe the clinical laboratory industry is finally getting its political act together. Last issue of THE DARK REPORT, we noted that the New York State Clinical Laboratory Association (NYSCLA) is working to get the New York Department of Health to issue an opinion as to whether “below-cost” lab contract pricing is an inducement under existing

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“May 17, 1999 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More Âť
