Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


September 2000

Profitable Prices for New Lab Information Services

ONE RESPONSE TO THE CONTINUED CUTBACKS for laboratory test reimbursement during the 1990s was a deluge of papers and speeches by pathologists and lab executives hammering at the theme that laboratory information possesses the potential to improve the quality of healthcare outcomes while reducing the cost of care. In the face of financially disastrous reductions in […]

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Profitable Prices for New Lab Information Services

MCOs Asking For More Lab Test Information

CEO SUMMARY: During the past 12 months, managed care companies in Michigan have increased the quantity and quality of the laboratory test information they want from their laboratory providers. Once again, the marketplace is raising the bar for competitive laboratory services. In response, Joint Venture Hospital Laboratories has made strategic lab information services its number

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MCOs Asking For More Lab Test Information

Medicare HMO Program Debates Funding Levels

CEO SUMMARY: Medicare+Choice was to offer seniors insurance options that went beyond standard Medicare fee-for-service services.Through the 1990s, seniors enrolled in Medicare HMOs at phenomenal rates. A recent GAO report repeated claims that Medicare HMOs are over-funded, to the tune of $5.2 billion per year. Congress must now consider a dozen bills seeking increased reimbursement

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Medicare HMO Program Debates Funding Levels

Quest Diagnostics Emphasizes Venture Capital Investments

ONE SIGNIFICANT business strategy in play at Quest Diagnostics Incorporated is venture capital investing. With $3 billion in sales, Quest Diagnostics is the largest clinical laboratory company in the United States. It understands that the traditional lab sales strategy of marketing to physicians’ offices can no longer support the company’s needs for sustained, rapid growth.

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Quest Diagnostics Emphasizes Venture Capital Investments

Accurate Costing of New Pap Technology Proves Interesting

CEO SUMMARY: Various new technologies intended to supplant conventional Pap smear screening must deliver improved clinical performance in a cost-effective manner. Joseph Plandowski, our guest writer,concludes his three-part series on new Pap smear technologies by evaluating actual lab costs of the specific Pap smear technologies. His conclusion is that reimbursement drives the adoption rate of

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Accurate Costing of New Pap Technology Proves Interesting Read More Âť

Omnicom Group, CareSoft,, Verisign, RSA Security

AD AGENCIES PREPARING “DIRECT TO PATIENT” MARKETING CAMPAIGNS HERE’S MORE EVIDENCE that healthcare providers like laboratories and pathology groups will increasingly market their services directly to consumers. One of the largest consolidated advertising agencies in the world has taken minority equity positions in five healthcare-related Internet companies. Omnicom Group, whose agencies include BBDO Worldwide and

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Omnicom Group, CareSoft,, Verisign, RSA Security

National Anatomic Pathology Companies Continue to Grow

IT’S BOOM TIME IN ONE SEGMENT of the clinical laboratory world. The national anatomic pathology companies are posting record rates of growth and profits. The sustained and strong financial performance at DIANON Systems, Inc. and IMPATH, Inc. has not gone unnoticed by Wall Street. Share prices for the two companies have zoomed steadily upward since

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National Anatomic Pathology Companies Continue to Grow

“September 11, 2000 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Here’s an interesting rumor. The September 11 is- sue of Business Week magazine says that Abbott Laboratories Inc. may acquire Beckman Coulter, Inc., based in Fullerton, California. Business Week quoted a financial analyst who believed the rumor was true. Since this rumor became public, spokesmen for both Abbott and Beckman Coulter declined to make any

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