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Volume XV No. 16 - December 01, 2008

A Common Future for Pathology & Radiology?

DO RADIOLOGISTS AND PATHOLOGISTS have a common future in the age of personalized medicine? That’s not an idle question as new technologies help both medical specialties to better understand how molecular processes play a role in various diseases. Oncology may prove to be the powerful force that encourages collaboration and greater clinical integration between radiology …

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2008’s Top Ten Lab Stories Lacked Disruptive Impact

CEO SUMMARY: For the first time in recent memory, a year has passed without major tumult or disruptive change in the laboratory industry. Our list of the Top Ten Most Important Stories of 2008 reflects a rather quiet year when compared to most years of this decade. However, events continue to unfold in healthcare and …

2008’s Top Ten Lab Stories Lacked Disruptive Impact Read More »

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Multi-Modality Diagnosis Heading for Lab Medicine

CEO Summary: At the upcoming Molecular Summit in Philadelphia on February 10-11, 2009, pathologists, molecular imaging experts, and informaticians will share the latest developments on the integration of in vivo (imaging) and in vitro (pathology) diagnostics. A major theme will be discussion about multi-modality diagnostics and how this new discipline—driven by advances in genetics and …

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LabCorp Talks to Its Clients About Service Enhancements

BOTH NATIONAL LABORATORIES now face a future where growth is not likely to come from a steady stream of sizeable laboratory acquisitions. That makes service enhancements a more important way to protect market share and build client loyalty. At Laboratory Corporation of America, this strategy can be seen in a letter the company recently distributed …

LabCorp Talks to Its Clients About Service Enhancements Read More »

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Momentum Continues for Digital Pathology

CEO SUMMARY: Last month, digital imaging in pathology gained additional momentum with the latest FDA clearance. Aperio Technologies, Inc., now has FDA clearance to market its slide scanning system for reading digital progesterone receptor (PR) slides on a computer monitor. Aperio plans to file an application next year with the FDA for clearance to use …

Momentum Continues for Digital Pathology Read More »

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December 01, 2008 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Having grown to over $1 billion in revenue, Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc. of Waltham, Massachusetts, is newest of the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) companies to achieve size and scale. One of its more interesting products is an in-home system that allows warfarin patients to test themselves and produce PT/INR results. Inverness’ INRatio2 PT/INR Monitoring System …

December 01, 2008 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More »

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