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Search Results for: pathology

It’s Modular Automation At Beaumont Hospital Lab

CEO SUMMARY: Many hospital labs are evaluating laboratory automation options. The fastest-growing problem which needs an answer is the shortage of trained medical technologists and technicians. At William Beaumont Hospital’s new laboratory, selective workstation and modular automation solutions were chosen as part of a master plan to reduce overall lab testing costs and minimize labor …

It’s Modular Automation At Beaumont Hospital Lab Read More »

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Lab Test Ordering On Web Presents Tough Challenges

CEO SUMMARY: During 1999, many factors pointed to the speedy introduction of Web-based lab test ordering between physicians’ offices and their laboratory providers. Several credible players, like Healtheon/ WebMD (now WebMD) and Advanced Health Technologies, held numerous contracts to implement Web-based lab test ordering and results reporting. But Web-based lab test ordering never gained traction. …

Lab Test Ordering On Web Presents Tough Challenges Read More »

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Medical Errors Reporting Will Impact Labs

CERTAINLY HIPAA SEEMS TO BE GETTING LOTS OF ATTENTION by all categories of healthcare providers, including laboratories. But I think the movement to disclose medical errors may eventually prove to be the more serious issue for clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups. Our members and clients know that just last month JCAHO began requiring hospitals …

Medical Errors Reporting Will Impact Labs Read More »

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British Firm Acquires Sunquest Info Systems

CEO SUMMARY: Sunquest Information Systems was recently acquired by Misys Plc, a software company based in the United Kingdom. The transaction is another example of consolidation within the healthcare software sector. It also demonstrates that software products developed in the United States are seen to have good potential in overseas markets, particularly Europe. PERSISTENT RUMORS …

British Firm Acquires Sunquest Info Systems Read More »

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Big Jump Predicted In Health Insurance Costs

CEO SUMMARY: Spiraling health costs are about to become a headline issue once again. There is widespread evidence that health insurers are seeking premium increases of 20% from the nation’s biggest employers. Aetna recently announced a second quarter 2001 operating loss of $95.9 million. Increased utilization was a major factor in this loss. Labs may …

Big Jump Predicted In Health Insurance Costs Read More »

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Lab Testing Problems Attract Unfavorable Media Attention

DURING THE PAST TWO WEEKS, problems with laboratory tests received national media coverage, both on television and in print. The national publicity demonstrates the downside to growing consumer interest in laboratory testing. Journalists are willing to capitalize on public fears about the potential for medical errors. Early Warning To Labs Laboratory executives and pathologists should …

Lab Testing Problems Attract Unfavorable Media Attention Read More »

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DIANON Acquires UroCor And Boosts Urology Share

CEO SUMMARY: Following years of intense competition for the diagnostic testing business of office-based urologists, DIANON Systems and UroCor will now join forces. The recently-announced merger creates a powerhouse anatomic pathology company in the urology-based diagnostics services market. This merger also demonstrates that the market for anatomic pathology services remains robust. FOR MORE THAN THREE …

DIANON Acquires UroCor And Boosts Urology Share Read More »

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Analysis of Lab Testing Market Reveals Competitive Shifts

CEO SUMMARY: Even as public lab and anatomic pathology companies enjoy sustained growth in specimen volumes and revenues, fundamental shifts in the basic marketplace have changed the competitive environment. Surprisingly, the most open market segment is anatomic pathology specimens referred by physicians’ offices. Hospital inpatient and outpatient testing continues to be a limited growth opportunity …

Analysis of Lab Testing Market Reveals Competitive Shifts Read More »

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Annual Ranking of Public Laboratory Companies

Public Laboratory Companies Continue To Generate Strong Rates of Growth CALENDAR 2000 was a banner year for all public laboratory and pathology companies in the United States. Virtually every company reported double-digit growth in annual revenues. The new twist in the lab marketplace is the arrival of national lab companies offering anatomic pathology services. Their …

Annual Ranking of Public Laboratory Companies Read More »

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Connecticut Hospital Labs Win HMO Test Contracts

CEO SUMMARY: Connecticut Hospital Laboratory Network, LLC was formed in 1996 with the specific goal of winning managed care lab testing contracts. During the past five years it has steadily increased the number of patients covered by such contracts. Along the way, it has learned important lessons on how to price laboratory testing services and …

Connecticut Hospital Labs Win HMO Test Contracts Read More »

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