Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics

Volume XII No. 2 - January 24, 2005

Hey! We Are Halfway Through the 2000’s

WITHOUT SPLITTING HAIRS ABOUT WHETHER THE NEW MILLENNIUM started on January 1, 2000 or January 1, 2001 (although official millennium celebrations heavily favored the former date), I would like to call your attention to an important fact: 2005 is the half-way point in the current decade. Look what has changed since 2000. No longer do …

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Bi-Annual Look at Trends Reshaping Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Among other things, we declare the end to the heyday of the independent commercial lab company which offers a broad test menu to all types of office-based physicians. In its place springs forth the specialty or niche testing laboratory. Small and focused on a specific number of reference and esoteric tests, the number …

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“January 24, 2005 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Blood-alcohol testing in the emergency room can generate surprising results. That was certainly the case in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on December 20, 2004. A 67-year old pedestrian, hit by a car, was taken to the emergency room. Using a breath analyzer, his blood-alcohol level registered at .914! Physicians and police were amazed, since the patient was …

“January 24, 2005 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More »

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