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May 2018

Key Lab Trends Described At Executive War College

CEO SUMMARY: Innovative clinical labs and pathology groups are absorbing this year’s Medicare Part B price cuts while continuing to pursue opportunities to add value. A common theme from many speakers at last week’s Executive War College in New Orleans is that the lab must get mastery of its LIS and informatics specifically to enable …

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Insurers Sue To Challenge Pass-Through Bill Schemes

CEO SUMMARY: In two separate lawsuits filed in April, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) and Anthem each charged that drug testing companies used pass-through-billing schemes in ways the insurers say are fraudulent. UHC filed its lawsuit on April 18. One day later, on April 19, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia and other Anthem companies filed suit …

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Cleveland Clinic Lab Has Multi-year Test Utilization Success

CEO SUMMARY: Over the 24 months of a first-generation round of laboratory test utilization management projects, the Cleveland Clinic laboratories prevented more than 30,000 duplicate or inappropriate test orders, saving almost $2.7 million. Now implementing a second-generation of labtest utilization projects, the lab’s seven-year effort has prevented 160,072 tests and saved more than $5 million. …

Cleveland Clinic Lab Has Multi-year Test Utilization Success Read More »

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Wake Forest Baptist Lab’s Path Errors Teach Lessons

CEO SUMMARY: For medical directors and pathologists interested in improving their labs’ compliance with CLIA regulations, a report from federal and state inspectors of an inspection of the pathology lab at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center offers insights into what issues caught the inspectors’ attention. During their visit in February, the government lab inspectors …

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May 7, 2018 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News

In Sebastopol, Calif., the financially-troubled Sonoma West Medical Center (SWMC) dropped a controversial drugs-of-abuse testing program. The following month, without the revenue from the drug testing program, 37-bed SWMC lost $1.4 million. In 2017, the hospital entered into a pass-through billing arrangement with a Florida attorney, Aaron Durall and his lab company, Reliance Laboratory Testing. …

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Cleveland Clinic Lab dramatically reduces doctors ordering unnecessary tests

This is an excerpt from a 2,920-word article in the May 7, 2018 issue of THE DARK REPORT. The complete article is available for a limited time to all readers, and available at all times to paid members of the Dark Intelligence Group.  CEO SUMMARY: In an insightful report, THE DARK REPORT shows how one …

Cleveland Clinic Lab dramatically reduces doctors ordering unnecessary tests Read More »

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