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December 2012

Pathologists Benefit from Hospital Lab Consulting

CEO SUMMARY: Deteriorating finances at many rural hospitals and smaller community hospitals is a growing trend. It is also a new consulting opportunity for local pathologists because financially-strapped hospitals often give their labs inadequate working capital and lack the staff needed to comply fully with state and federal compliance requirements. In Shreveport, Louisiana, Delta Pathology […]

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Pathologists Benefit from Hospital Lab Consulting

December 20, 2012 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Consolidation of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers continues to help industry leaders become ever bigger. When Hologic, Inc., of Bedford, Massachusetts, reported its third quarter earnings last month, it reported that diagnostics is now the largest business segment at the $2.6 billion company, following its acquisition of Gen-Probe, Inc., last August. For third quarter, total

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December 20, 2012 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News” Read More Ā»
