OIG: 25% of Medicare Inpatients ‘Harmed in Hospitals’ Pre-COVID
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXIX, Number 9 – June 27, 2022 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: This year’s report to Congress on patient harm in hospitals—prepared by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)—determined that one in four Medicare beneficiaries suffered harm while an inpatient in a hospital. The report garnered little attention outside the he…
April 27, 2009 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 6 – April 27, 2009 Issue
As unemployment rates climb in the United States, employers are ordering fewer pre-employment drugs of abuse (DOA) screening panels. This is expected. It is why investors know that drugs-of-abuse volumes are closely linked to the economic boom/bust cycle. During first quarter earning calls, public la…
Labs Need to Respond To Inaccurate Results
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 1 – January 12, 2009 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: What does a lab do when it discovers that it has reported inaccurate test results? In 2004, a turnaround team arrived at the laboratory of Maryland General Hospital in Baltimore to deal with the consequences of a failed infectious disease testing program. For about t…
Phlebotomy Gets Heightened Attention For Patient Satisfaction
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 15 – October 29, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In the 1990s, many hospitals implemented decentralized phlebotomy arrangements as a way to save costs. Now, a decade later, centralized phlebotomy, managed by the laboratory, is making a comeback. Motivatio…
Mass General Hospital Raises Bar on Transparency
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XIV No. 7 – May 14, 2007 Issue
WHENEVER I VISIT the corporate offices of THE DARK REPORT in Austin, Texas, I am invariably treated to a Texas barbeque dinner and one of the delicacies on the platter is sausage that has been smoked and slathered in sauce. Like many of you, I enjoy sausage, but I don’t ever want to watch how sausa…
Key Trends Drive Change for Clinical Laboratories
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 1 – January 8, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Technology plays an ever-growing role in reshaping the organization and operation of clinical laboratories. New technologies figure prominently in THE DARK REPORT’S 2007 list of key trends in the clinical laboratory industry. Technological advances in instr…
There is Steady Convergence In Lab Operations Worldwide
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 17 – December 18, 2006 Issue
IS THERE AN ACCELERATING CONVERGENCE OF LABORATORY OPERATIONS by major clinical laboratories throughout the world? In recent weeks, THE DARK REPORT has seen tantalizing evidence that the answer to this question should be “yes.” This trend has strategic implications for independent commercial lab…
Middleware Produces Data In Real Time for Lab Managers
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 13 – September 25, 2006 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: With sustained pressure on laboratories to cut costs, reduce errors, and raise quality, lab managers need faster access to detailed information about lab work processes. One solution is to use middleware to collect data in real time from the LIS and other sources, then analyz…
New Guidelines to Require Single-Patient Hospital Rooms
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 5 – April 10, 2006 Issue
PATIENT SAFETY INITIATIVES are about to trigger another major change to the American healthcare system—a standard for single-room occupancy in hospitals. On March 22, 2006, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the …
First Lab Reports on Its Unannounced Inspection
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 3 – February 27, 2006 Issue
CEOSUMMARY: Here is the lab industry’s first report from a laboratory which has under gone an unannounced inspection under the College of American Pathologist’s new accreditation program. Lab management at Kern Medical Center say the process went smoothly—but that effective preparat…
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