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pathology testing

Converting Paper Requisitions to Digital Cut Lab’s Costs

CEO SUMMARY: Health Network Laboratories cut costs and shortened lab test turnaround time by converting paper requisitions to digital data. It did so by scanning paper requisitions and having a vendor do the required data entry. This helped the lab reduce errors in its patient data. Using…

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ACLA: NCCI Guidelines Are a ‘Step Backwards’

CEO SUMMARY: In a letter to the National Correct Coding Initiative, the American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA) raised significant concerns about new language in the policy manuals for Medicare and Medicaid. ACLA said the new NCCI guidelines for molecular and other tests requiring…

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U of Florida Health Improves Patient Care with PGx Testing

CEO SUMMARY: Since 2011, the University of Florida Health System has used pharmacogenetic test (PGx) results to guide physicians when they prescribe certain drugs. This initiative has improved patient outcomes, reduced the overall cost per episode of care, and gained partial reimbursemen…

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Value-based healthcare launches new conflicting interests for hospital labs, independents

This is an excerpt from a 2,400-word article in the Nov. 20, 2017 issue of THE DARK REPORT. The complete article is available for a limited time to all readers, and available at all times to paid members of the Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: Her…

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Surprisingly Low Price Paid for Miraca’s AP Lab Is a Warning

EVEN INTO THE MID 1980s, coal miners used canaries as an early-detection system for the presence of carbon monoxide and other toxic gases. In this way, canaries served as a sentinel species to save miners’ lives. Clinical laboratories and pathology groups don’t have a sentinel species to warn th…

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Paths of Hospital Labs, Independent Labs Diverge

CEO SUMMARY: With each passing year, the primary role of hospital and health system labs evolves in a different direction than that of independent lab companies. This trend is a response to the creation of integrated delivery networks paid on value and how they are scored on their ability…

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UnitedHealth to Start Gene Test Pre-Approval

CEO SUMMARY: With programs now at the nation’s two largest insurers, is it possible to argue that prior-authorization is going mainstream? Some observers say, yes, as THE DARK REPORT predicted. What is certain is that starting Nov. 1, UnitedHealthcare is requiring prior authorization fo…

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LabCorp, Quest, Sonic Do Hospital Lab Deals

CEO SUMMARY: Is the New Year’s spate of deals involving the sales of hospital lab outreach programs and a new joint venture the first tremors of an impending earthquake of similar transactions? In the first 10 weeks of 2017, Laboratory Corporation of America, Quest Diagnostics, and Soni…

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Value-Based Care Is One Goal Of WHCN-Sonic Lab JV

CEO SUMMARY: Announced last month, the new laboratory joint-venture partnership with Sonic Healthcare’s Sunrise Clinical Laboratories will allow WCHN to compete with other health systems and prepare to respond to health insurers’ requests that hospital systems offer lower rates in val…

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Mount Sinai Health System Sells Outreach Lab to LabCorp

ANOTHER ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER decided to cash in on the value of its outreach lab. On Jan. 10, Laboratory Corporation of America announced it would acquire the lab outreach business of Mount Sinai Health System of New York City. Terms of the transaction and purchase price were not disclosed. The…

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