Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



lean and six sigma

Ireland Is Restructuring National Lab Test System

CEO SUMMARY: Working from a consultant’s report and recommendations based on studies dating back to 2006 and 2007, Ireland’s Health Service Executive is moving forward to effect a comprehensive reconfiguration of clinical laboratory testing across the nation. This ma…

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New Clinical Lab Trends To Shape Events in 2010

CEO SUMMARY: In presenting this list of macro trends for clinical laboratories, several themes are in play. They range from a continued emphasis on improving lab operations to the need to acquire and deploy sophisticated information technology. During the next few years, the long…

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2009’s Top Ten Lab Stories Reflect Some Good, Bad

CEO SUMMARY: As the closing year of the first decade of the new century and the new millennium, 2009 brought neither disruption nor upheaval to the majority of laboratories in the United States. Rather, it was marked by at least two themes. One was how public disclosure of problems with l…

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Expert Says Time is Now For Labs to Adopt QMS

CEO SUMMARY: Laboratories in the United States are knowledgeable about the use of quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) programs. But QC and QA represent only two small parts of a comprehensive quality management system (QMS), says Lucia Berte, an expert in lab quality. One bene…

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Getting Vitamin D Right for the Doctor and Patient

MOST OF YOU ARE FAMILIAR with how W. Edwards Deming and Japanese manufacturers demonstrated the power of understanding customer expectations and organizing one’s business to deliver products and services which meet and exceed those expectations. For the past four decades, one thing that many of th…

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Expanding Lab Market Share in a Recession

IT IS UNCHARTED TERRITORY FOR CLINICAL LABS AND PATHOLOGY GROUPS. A recession now officially exists in the United States. The last time this nation experienced an extended and painful economic recession was between July 1981 and November 1982, according to That means it has b…

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Retest Program Offers Useful Lessons for Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Every day in every laboratory, there is the potential for some aspect of the testing process to go wrong and not be immediately detected. In such circumstances, the lab can then unknowingly report inaccurate test results to physicians and patients. That is why lab managers sh…

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2008’s Top Ten Lab Stories Lacked Disruptive Impact

CEO SUMMARY: For the first time in recent memory, a year has passed without major tumult or disruptive change in the laboratory industry. Our list of the Top Ten Most Important Stories of 2008 reflects a rather quiet year when compared to most years of this decade. Howeve…

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Lean Six Sigma Takes Root in Labs & Hospitals

LAST WEEK, MORE THAN 300 ENTHUSIASTIC LAB AND HOSPITAL PROFESSIONALS from 11 different countries around the globe crowded into Atlanta for the Second Annual Lab Quality Confab. They were gathered to hear the latest success stories and breakthroughs in how laboratories and hospitals are using quality …

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Piedmont Med Lab Mixes ISO with Lean & Six Sigma

CEO SUMMARY: Piedmont Medical Laboratory (PML) could be the only clinical laboratory ever to pursue three quality improvement initiatives simultaneously. Even as it was in the early stages of implementing both Lean and Six Sigma methods, PML also decided to seek ISO 15189:2007 accreditati…

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