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laboratory compliance

Proficiency Testing Ranks High as a CLIA Violation

CEO SUMMARY: Proficiency testing (PT) deficiencies are consistently cited by clinical laboratory accreditors during CLIA inspections. Surveyors and inspectors note that labs may mistakenly believe that an 80% score on a PT event is satisfactory. To the contrary, experts advise labs to scr…

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Revised Stark Law, Anti-Kickback Statute Rules Are Good News for Labs

This is an excerpt of a 1,385-word article in the March 22, 2021 issue of  THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: The Dark Report explains how changes to the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute will benefit labs,…

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Revised Stark and AKS Rules Are Good News for Labs

CEO SUMMARY: It must be rewarding for federal rulemakers at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Office of the Inspector General to hear that attorneys representing clinical labs and pathology groups consider the new final rules for the Stark Law and the Anti-Kickb…

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Understanding Key Parts of New AKS, Stark Law Rules

CEO SUMMARY: Both the federal Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute have been revised and the final rules became effective on Jan. 19. The good news for clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups is that federal regulators from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services a…

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Whistleblowers Disclose Issues in California’s COVID Lab

SUMMARY: Whistleblowers at the State of California’s brand-new COVID-19 Valencia Branch Laboratory are telling reporters about staff sleeping on the job, unlicensed staff handling specimens, and other significant issues. Given the reports of several news outlets, one relevant ques…

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First EKRA Guilty Plea Involves Lab Kickback

CEO SUMMARY: Federal investigators wasted little time in using the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 (EKRA) to prosecute fraud involving clinical laboratories and providers. The manager of an opioid treatment center in Kentucky pleaded guilty last month to three counts…

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Defunct, Oft-Troubled Calloway Labs Hit with $1.4M Federal Judgement

HOW OFTEN IS A DEFUNCT LAB COMPANY IN THE NEWS? That was the odd development last week when it was announced that a U.S. District Court had entered a $1.4 million civil judgement against Calloway Laboratories, Inc., a toxicology lab company formerly based in Woburn, Mass., for busine…

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PAMA Final Rule Issued, CMS Plans to Cut Rates by 5.6%

CEO SUMMARY: CMS issued its final rule for implementing the laboratory payment reform included in the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA) on June 17. All labs will see significant reductions to the Medicare Part B Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule that becomes effective on Jan…

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Phlebotomist Describes Questionable Lab Practices

CEO SUMMARY: While working in the office of a physician who was a client of Health Diagnostic Laboratory, a phlebotomist says he was instructed to write the same 10 diagnoses on every test requisition a doctor sent to HDL, a lab company in Richmond, Virginia. HDL is…

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Calloway Labs Settles with Feds, West Virginia

CEO SUMMARY: West Virginia is the second state in recent years to settle claims of Medicare and Medicaid fraud filed against Calloway Laboratories of Woburn, Massachusetts. Last month, the pain management lab company agreed to pay $4.675 million to resolve that case, while not admitting l…

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