Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



laboratory automation solutions

November 7, 2011 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Many experts were impressed when General Electric Co. ponied up $587 million to acquire pathology testing company Clarient, Inc., in October 2010. Now comes further insight behind this transaction. At an investment conference in Boston on November 3, John Dineen, CEO…

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New Clinical Lab Trends To Shape Events in 2010

CEO SUMMARY: In presenting this list of macro trends for clinical laboratories, several themes are in play. They range from a continued emphasis on improving lab operations to the need to acquire and deploy sophisticated information technology. During the next few years, the long…

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2009’s Top Ten Lab Stories Reflect Some Good, Bad

CEO SUMMARY: As the closing year of the first decade of the new century and the new millennium, 2009 brought neither disruption nor upheaval to the majority of laboratories in the United States. Rather, it was marked by at least two themes. One was how public disclosure of problems with l…

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Lab Automation Viewed As Essential Solution

CEO SUMMARY: A merger of three hospitals in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, forced PinnacleHealth’s lab director to find new ways to increase efficiency. A lab automation project helped improve turnaround time and staff productivity and cut costs. The cost savings is about 50 cents per test, …

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Pathologist-Entrepreneurs Offer New Lab Automation

CEO SUMMARY: Since October 2003, the core laboratory of Detroit Medical Center University Laboratories has operated with a home-grown total laboratory automation (TLA) system. The 100-foot automated line currently connects to 11 instruments and the hardware cost only $200,000 to build and…

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Seoul, Korea Hosts Lab Automation Meeting

CEO SUMMARY: It was the fifth “International Conference on Laboratory Automation and Robotics.” Over the past decade, this meeting, started by the pioneers of clinical laboratory automation, has been the major forum to meet and discuss advances in all aspects of automation. This confe…

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Molecular Diagnostics: How Beaumont Built A Successful Program

CEO SUMMARY: It was about 15 years ago when William Beaumont Hospital and Beaumont Reference Laboratories first began offering molecular diagnostic testing services to clinicians. This successful effort came about because of effective strategic planning, use of consulting expertise at key…

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Bi-Annual Look at Trends Reshaping Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Among other things, we declare the end to the heyday of the independent commercial lab company which offers a broad test menu to all types of office-based physicians. In its place springs forth the specialty or niche testing laboratory. Small and focused on a specific number …

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AACC and CAP Meetings Generate Useful Insights

IT WAS A BUSY TIME LAST WEEK on the lab industry meeting circuit. THE DARK REPORT made the rounds and uncovered some valuable intelligence for lab directors and pathologists. First on the meeting tour was Philadelphia, site of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) a…

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Several Major Surprises Mark Events of 2002

CEO SUMMARY: It was a year when the two blood brothers got much bigger and expanded market share by buying their largest competitors. With patient safety as the goal, employers began active steps to force hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare providers to use quality management syst…

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