Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



demand for pathologists

Is Pathology Workforce Stable or Shrinking?

CEO SUMMARY: After publishing research in JAMA Network Open showing a coming shortage of pathologists in the United States, the researchers heard from pathologists whose experience in the job market did not match what the researchers found. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the demand for…

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Fewer Pathologists Means Tighter Market for Jobs

CEO SUMMARY: Pathologists seeking jobs will find that a more competitive job market is pushing salaries up over $300,000 per year on average. In addition, most new jobs come with a hiring bonus and funds for relocation of as much as $12,000 and for continuing medical education of $3,500. …

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Unprecedented Growth Rates for Molecular Testing

CEO SUMMARY: There will be an expanding role for innovative clinical labs as healthcare moves forward on its path toward personalized medicine. However, to capitalize on this opportunity, pathology groups and clinical labs will need to beef up their information systems. They will also nee…

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Powerful Trends Reshaping Anatomic Path Profession

CEO SUMMARY: THE DARK REPORT presents its newest biannual review of macro trends reshaping the anatomic pathology profession. These macro trends reveal a profession undergoing change and transformation on multiple fronts. New competitors are crowding into the market, payers and accreditin…

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Anatomic Path Trends Portend Deep Changes

CEO SUMMARY: Our biannual review of trends shaping the anatomic pathology profession reveals that a wide range of influences are active. The nation’s healthcare system is undergoing fundamental changes in how it views the quality of health services and how it will favor top-performing p…

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Supply and Demand for Lab Services and Pathologists

IT SEEMS THE LABORATORY INDUSTRY HAS MANAGED to beat back the proposed 20% patient co-payment for Medicare Part B laboratory testing services. Kudos to the hard-working laboratorians and their lobbyists who devoted money and time to oppose this proposal. But the news remains glum. Word is that lawma…

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Market Demand for Pathologists Shifts Toward Specialization

CEO SUMMARY: Unlike the slack employment market for pathologists seen during the 1990s, there is strong demand for pathologists in this decade. Private pathology group practices now face competition for the best pathology talent. That’s because public lab companies are regularly in the …

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“Local” Anatomic Path Has Two Major Players

CEO SUMMARY: After a lot of money and much effort, the fledgling crop of companies wanting to consolidate and manage pathology group practices has narrowed into just two market leaders: AmeriPath and Pathology Service Associates. These two companies could not be more different in their go…

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Future Laboratory Model Found In Oklahoma City

CEO SUMMARY: Even as commercial laboratories struggle to maintain financial solvency, Urocor displays phenomenal growth in specimen volume, market share and revenue during the last five years. It is no accident that this laboratory is succeeding. Urocor’s executives use sophisticated ma…

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Lab Information Systems Meeting Highlights Innovation, Ideas

CEO SUMMARY: Managed care’s pressure to create clinically integrated healthcare delivery systems changes the way laboratories report, use and warehouse clinical data. Dr. Bruce Friedman’s annual laboratory information systems conference in Ann Arbor provided graphic evidence that tech…

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