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Global IVD Companies Report First Quarter 2024 Earnings


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Most IVD Firms Increase Q3 2023 Base Business Revenue

Most in vitro diagnostics (IVD) companies reported increases in base business during the third quarter (Q3) 2023. The numbers, in the single digits, softened the blow from the continuing drop-off in COVID-19 test sales. Manufacturers of tests and laboratory instruments are launching ne…

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IVD Companies Launch New Assays, Analyzers, Automation

Steep declines in SARS-CoV-2 test revenue were reported by the top in vitro diagnostics (IVD) companies in Q2 2023 earnings compared to a year earli…

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Despite COVID-19 Losses, IVD Executives Remain Upbeat

Continuing declines in COVID-19 test revenues was a common theme during the first quarte…

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IVD Firms Prepare for OTC, Home Test Market Expansion

CEO SUMMARY: With public interest in home testing growing, some IVD manufacturers are preparing to serve a fast-expanding market for over-the-counter and at-home tests. IVD firms are banking on the…

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Top Public IVD Companies Report Q3/Q4 2022 Earnings

IT WAS A MIXED BAG OF THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL RESULTS for the nation’s largest in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers, with COVID-19 testing volume a contributing factor.  Fluctuating demand for SARS-CoV-2 testing proved perplexing, as some IV…

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Babson Diagnostics’ Hybrid Model Combines Quality, Convenience

CEO SUMMARY: Responding to its own data about consumer preferences, healthcare technology company Babson Diagnostics is pursuing a new hybrid model for blood draws that it believes brings together the best of clinical laboratories and retail pharmacies. Laboratory managers and patho…

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IVD Firms Grow During 2022, but COVID-19 Revenue Dropped

MOST MAJOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTICS (IVD) MANUFACTURERS started strong in 2022 as their base businesses regained steam and made up for the significant falloff in COVID-19 diagnostic test revenue.  During first quarter 2022 earnings calls with invest…

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IVD Companies Report Record Sales as 2021 Draws to Close

JUDGING BY THE THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE of the major in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers, the demand for COVID-19 testing continues to generate a substantial stream of revenue.  During their respective conference calls with investo…

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