Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


process improvement

Reacting to PAMA Cuts, Lab Works with Payers

CEO SUMMARY: Before Medicare’s lab test price cuts went into effect last year, Health Network Laboratories began discussions with private health insurers and nursing home clients about the possibility of renegotiating their contracts. In these discussions, HNL promoted the value it deli…

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Is Your Lab Prepared for More Tough Challenges?

THERE IS A NEW FAVORITE WORD WALL STREET ANALYST USE when they want to describe an industry that is going to experience tough times that will make it difficult for companies to grow and remain profitable. That word is “headwinds” and it can aptly be applied to the multiple tough challenges that a…

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ProMedica Lab Succeeds with Metrics, Daily Huddles

CEO SUMMARY: In Toledo, Ohio, ProMedica Laboratories uses extensive metrics to analyze almost all processes in the lab. Under a process improvement program in place for more than five years, the lab has implemented daily management to help streamline day-to-day operations. Concurrently, a…

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Near Real-time Data Helps Lab Save $500K Annually

CEO SUMMARY: After hospital labs and pathology groups implement Lean and process improvement methods to harvest the easiest cost savings and boost quality, they often take the next step of introducing real-time analytics systems. Access to detailed data about workflows, productivity, and …

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To Add Value, Focus on Patient Care

FOR THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS, and particularly since Congress passed the Patient Access to Medicare Act in 2014, clinical labs have focused on controlling costs, as they should. After all, PAMA calls …

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Labs Begin Applying Lean to Cut Costs, Add Value

CEO SUMMARY: In more than 40 presentations by 55 speakers, two big themes dominated the 11th annual Lab Quality Confab in New Orleans last week. One theme is the urgent need to cut clinical laboratory costs. The second theme is the need for both clinical labs and anatomic pathology groups…

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August 7, 2017 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News

PAML of Spokane, Washington, was the subject of an unusual public disclosure recently made by Laboratory Corporation of America. The lab company sent a statement to the Spokane Journal of Business stating its plans to make PAML “its primary lab site in the western…

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New Business Models for Pathology, Clinical Labs

EXPERTS OFTEN PROCLAIM THAT THE U.S. HEALTHCARE SYSTEM is slow to change and slow to adopt the management approaches, operational innovations, and new technologies that other industries use. One example is adoption of the quality management techniques that W. Edwards Deming and the Japanese develope…

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ARUP Laboratories Earns CAP’s ISO 15189 Accreditation

CEO SUMMARY: Being accredited to this internationally recognized standard for quality and competence communicates to clients and prospective clients that one of the nation’s largest clinical labs is committed to the highest standards of quality. Clients already knew about that commitmen…

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May 23, 2016 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News

Patients of Health Diagnostic Laboratories who were tested between 2009 and 2014 are now being dunned by a collection agency! Creditors in the HDL bankruptcy case have engaged a Florida collection agency to go after 9,000 accounts. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, t…

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