Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



Federal Cases against Labs Result in Convictions

CEO SUMMARY: Over the past 24 months, federal prosecutors have announced a steady parade of criminal convictions, guilty pleas, and settlement agreements involving fraud and clinical laboratory testing. Not only are these cases numerous, but some resolve legal actions initiated by the fed…

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Federal Prosecution of Lab Test Fraud & Abuse

SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT IS HAPPENING WITH THE ENFORCEMENT OF FRAUD AND ABUSE LAWS by the federal Department of Justice (DOJ). The number of cases being filed has increased over recent years. In turn, that means an increase in press releases announcing criminal convictions, guilty…

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DOJ Charges Execs over Alleged Lab Kickbacks to Obtain Restitution

CEO SUMMARY: Multiple executives and sales representatives at True Health Diagnostics and Boston Heart Diagnostics have been named as defendants in a civil suit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. The complaint centers on alleged kickbacks in return for clinical laboratory test…

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In Civil Suit, DOJ Seeks Triple Damages for Lab Test Fraud

CERTAIN CLINICAL LABORATORY EXECUTIVES AND LAB SALES PROFESSIONALS may soon be made to pay where it hurts most—in their wallets.  The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on April 4 that it had joined a civil complaint against 18 defendant…

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Another 10 Doctors Settle Laboratory Kickback Cases, Pay Back $1.68m

FALLOUT CONTINUES FROM A LARGE LABORATORY KICKBACK INVESTIGATION in Texas, as another 10 physicians and one healthcare executive agreed to settle with the government and pay back $1.68 million.  Clinical lab sales teams throughout the United States will …

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Seven Doctors Settle Lab Test Fraud Case

CEO SUMMARY: In January, a U.S. Attorney from East Texas announced that seven physicians and a hospital CEO had agreed to settle allegations of fraud involving the payment of bribes in exchange for lab test orders. This is a positive development for the clinical laboratory profession because it…

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