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medical laboratory technician

MT/MLT Distance Learning Goal of Collaboration

CEO SUMMARY: To encourage more students to pursue medical technology (MT) and medical laboratory technician (MLT) degrees, ARUP Laboratories and Weber State University (WSU) are collaborating to promote the distance learning programs offered at WSU. Online students can work any shift and …

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OML Graduates First Distance-Learning MTs

CEO SUMMARY: Faced with staffing shortages and a ready pool of B.S. graduates in the local community, two years ago, Oregon Medical Laboratories decided to use long-distance learning programs to recruit and train employees interested in earning certification as MTs and MLTs. This business…

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Houston Lab Fills Gap For Katrina Evacuees

CEO SUMMARY: Literally overnight, Houston found itself dealing with tens of thousands of evacuees fleeing the destruction in New Orleans and surrounding areas. Many evacuees arrived in poor health. The Harris County Hospital District laboratorians of Houston pitched in to create an emerge…

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JCAHO, NQF CEOs Speak to Lab’s Future Role

CEO SUMMARY: What an opportunity! On the same podium were the presidents of both the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the National Quality Forum (NQF), specifically to speak about laboratory medicine’s role in the evolution of the nation’s heal…

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Bi-Annual Look at Trends Reshaping Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Among other things, we declare the end to the heyday of the independent commercial lab company which offers a broad test menu to all types of office-based physicians. In its place springs forth the specialty or niche testing laboratory. Small and focused on a specific number …

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No Disruptive Technology In Lab Industry’s Future

CEO SUMMARY: As new diagnostic technologies move through the development pipeline and into widespread clinical use, the scientific knowledge and skill sets needed by laboratory staff and management will change. The emphasis in laboratory medicine will evolve to include more molecular tech…

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Looking at Fast-Growth And Slow-Growth Areas In Diagnostic Testing

CEO SUMMARY: This exclusive intelligence briefing predicts how specific new technologies may drive changes in the laboratory-testing marketplace during the next five years. The key message is that change is expected to be incremental, not disruptive—given the technology known to be in d…

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Online Distance Training Helps Labs Recruit & Retain More MTs

CEO SUMMARY: One surprise about online distance learning (ODL) programs for medical technologists (MT) is that even small hospital laboratories can use them to recruit and train more MTs. Across the United States, a growing number of labs are experiencing a shortage of MTs in their local …

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Med Tech Training Via Long-Distance Programs

CEO SUMMARY: Students from as far away as Oregon and Hawaii are using the online distance training program at the Medical College of Georgia, located in Augusta, to get their Bachelor of Science degree and medical technologist certification. Because many regions do not have a local MT tra…

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New Trends in 2003 Affect Clinical Lab Services

CEO SUMMARY: Here’s our current list of macro trends that affect clinical laboratories, updated from the last list in January 2000. One bold prediction is that Medicare, as we know it, is on the verge of a major meltdown. Employers and consumers are also new forces to be reckoned with b…

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