Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



laboratory management services

Attorney Says Labs Face Increased Legal Liability

CEO SUMMARY: For many reasons, including cuts to lab test prices that health insurers pay, narrow networks, and more competition for lab test referrals, a significant number of lab companies are seeking ways to increase market share. These methods include the use of new laboratory test ar…

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November 28, 2016 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News

In recent weeks, two different lab transactions were announced. One involved a hospital laboratory management contract and the other was a potential merger of two anatomic pathology lab companies. The first announcement came on October 31, when Lovelace Health System of Albuquerque, …

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Pathologists Benefit from Hospital Lab Consulting

CEO SUMMARY: Deteriorating finances at many rural hospitals and smaller community hospitals is a growing trend. It is also a new consulting opportunity for local pathologists because financially-strapped hospitals often give their labs inadequate working capital and lack the staff needed …

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Narrower Provider Networks Topic during Quest Conference Call

SINCE MAY 1, 2012, the nation’s largest clinical laboratory company has had a new CEO, who is Stephen H. Rusckowski. The company’s second quarter conference call provided an opportunity to learn more about how he views Quest Diagnostics Incorporated. Conducted on July 19, the fi…

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Well-Funded Buyers Put Hospital Labs in Bull’s-Eye

CEO SUMMARY: In less than 12 months, two big private equity firms have each launched a lab company with the goal of acquiring and/or managing the clinical labs of hospitals and health systems. In the case of aLabs, it has signed one laboratory management services contract with Aurora and …

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aLabs Now Manages Labs for Major Health Systems

CEO SUMMARY: Established with a unique business plan unseen to date in the lab testing industry, aLabs has already entered into laboratory management services contracts with major health systems in Milwaukee and San Diego. This is an impressive start for a newly-formed company that has no…

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Halfpenny Technologies Buys Laboratory Management Services

TO BROADEN ITS CAPABILITIES in handling laboratory test data, Halfpenny Technologies, Inc., announced the acquisition of Laboratory Management Services (LMS) of Hauppauge, New York, earlier this month. Halfpenny seems to be particularly interested in the informatics…

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Pre-authorization Coming For Pricey Molecular Tests

CEO SUMMARY: In response to the steep ramp-up in the utilization of genetic and molecular testing, the nation’s largest health insurers are preparing to institute new guidelines for coverage and reimbursement. These will include pre-authorization by physicians, a more effective genetic …

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February 15, 2010 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

In response to the sky-rocketing expenses associated with genetic and molecular testing, health insurers are planning ways to control both utilization and the prices at which these tests are reimbursed. For example, during the past year, Humana began using DNA Direct …

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July 20, 2009 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Larry Siedlick resigned as CEO of Sunrise Medical Laboratories in Hauppauge, New York, effective June 30. It was 2007 when Siedlick and partner Pat Lanza sold their interest in the laboratory they founded back in 1972 to Sonic Healthcare, Ltd. Siedlick tells THE DARK…

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