Jon Stone
Articles by Jon Stone
Attorney Says Labs Face Increased Legal Liability
From the Volume XXV No. 6 – April 16, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: For many reasons, including cuts to lab test prices that health insurers pay, narrow networks, and more competition for lab test referrals, a significant number of lab companies are seeking ways to increase market share. These methods include the use of new laboratory test ar…
Use of ‘1099 Marketers’ and Lab Compliance Risk
From the Volume XXV No. 3 – February 12, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Experts in lab compliance predict that clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups must anticipate tougher enforcement of federal and state laws this year. One source of increased compliance risk for lab companies is the rising use of third-party marketing agreements….
Beckman Coulter Sues Quidel for Right to Sell BNP Assay
From the Volume XXV No. 1 – January 2, 2018 Issue
THERE IS AN INTERESTING COURT FIGHT UNFOLDING between Beckman Coulter Corporation and Quidel over the rights to sell a B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) assay. The lawsuit is a consequence of Abbott Laboratories’ acquisition of Alere, Inc….
Finally, Abbott Buys Alere to Become #1 in POCT
From the Volume XXIV No. 15 – October 30, 2017 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: After nearly two years of legal battles, Abbott Laboratories’ acquisition of Alere concluded on Oct. 3. Despite antitrust requirements to divest several of Alere’s diagnostic businesses to Quidel and Siemens Healthineers, the merger makes Abbott the world’s largest provider…
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