lab budget
Increasing Costs for Genetic Tests Are Busting Lab Budgets
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXII No. 6 – April 20, 2015 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Across the nation, hospital administrators are recognizing that effective lab test utilization is a critical factor in a lab’s success. At Seattle Children’s Hospital, clinical pathologists, clinical chemists, and laboratory genetic counselors are …
Gearing Up the Laboratory to Exceed Expectations of External Customers
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXII No. 3 – February 17, 2015 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: This is the third installment of THE DARK REPORT’S description of the Laboratory Value Pyramid. It describes “Level Three: Deliver Value that Exceeds Expectations.” This is the level where the laboratory organization now shifts its emphasis from internal operation of…
Clinical Labs Spending Money in New Ways
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXI No. 4 – March 17, 2014 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In response to the many changes now unfolding in the U.S. healthcare system, labs are investing their scarce capital in different ways. Five trends in lab spending can be identified. They range from expanding the informatics capabilities of a lab organization to acquiring the…
2013’s Top Ten Lab Stories Point to Tougher Times
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XX, No. 17 – December 23, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: For 2013, the big story was money—or, more accurately, less money for providers. This was not limited to clinical labs and pathology groups, but was equally true of hospitals and physicians. In THE DARK REPORT’S annual lookback at the year’s 10…
Nation’s Lab Innovators Attack Systemic Errors
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XX No.14 – October 21, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: One keynote speaker at this year’s Lab Quality Confab meeting tackled the sensitive subject of recurring bad quality within the lab and the costs associated with it. Lucia M. Berte, MA, MT(ASCP), showed a rapt audience how many sources of recurring bad quality exist and why…
Labs Push to Cut Costs As Budgets, Prices Shrink
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XX No. 11 – August 13, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Cost-cutting is now the prime directive at progressive labs because nearly every laboratory organization in the United States is under sustained financial pressure. This is due to shrinking budgets for hospital labs and more aggressive price-cutting by private payers. Even Ob…
Standard Bar Code Labels Can Reduce Lab Errors
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XX No. 6 – May 6, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Standardization of bar code labels is a concept whose time has come. After implementing CLSI standard AUTO12-A, first-mover clinical labs report fewer specimen identification errors, a reduction of costs associated with specimen handling errors, and a boost in lab productivit…
Labs Have Opportunity to ID Sepsis Much Faster
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XX No. 4 – March 25, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In the Northeast, the microbiology department of a four-hospital health system adopted new technology for testing patients suspected of sepsis. Not only did this microbiology lab shorten the time-to-detection, it increased the diagnosis rate for sepsis from 9% to 15%—an imp…
Mass Spectrometry Is Finding Larger Role in Clinical Labs
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XX No. 4 – March 25, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Mass spectrometry is a diagnostic technology that is transforming clinical labs and improving care at a rapid pace. The current generation of instruments is capable of supporting a faster time-to-answer and provides improved accuracy and specificity over many existing methods…
Rural Hospital Labs and their Lab Directors
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XIX No. 15 – October 29, 2012 Issue
FROM TWO DIFFERENT STATES, WE PRESENT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS that have a common element: laboratories in many rural hospitals are struggling. We consider these stories, when taken together, to be persuasive evidence that some significant number of rural hospital laboratories are experiencing ongoing …
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