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infectious disease testing

NJ Lab Sues to Challenge Payers About Its Out-of-Network Status

ONE WAY THAT A CLINICAL LAB can fight back against insurers who refuse to pay lab test claims is to sue them. That’s exactly what Medical Diagnostic Laboratories of Hamilton, N.J. is doing! Not only has MDL filed lawsuits against two major health insurance companies, but in one la…

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Cepheid, Sequenom Acquisitions Further Consolidate Lab Testing

TWO ACQUISITIONS FURTHER consolidated the clinical laboratory testing industry in recent weeks. The acquired companies were Sequenom and Cepheid. Sequenom went first. On July 27, Laboratory Corporation of America announced an agreement to acquire …

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Newer, Smaller Analyzers Will Bring Big Data to Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Clinical laboratories of all sizes are poised to become the source of much of a hospital or health system’s “big data.” At many academic center labs, greater use of genetic and molecular testing requires that more space and more staff be devoted to data management. A…

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PerkinElmer Launches Lab Venture in China

CEO SUMMARY: PerkinElmer is the latest U.S. organization to open a clinical laboratory business in China. Last December, it formally opened its new Suzhou PerkinElmer Medical Laboratory. The new lab is located about 60 kilometers (37 miles) west of Shanghai. It will provide neona…

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September 9, 2013 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

bioMĂ©rieux is on the move. Last week it announced that it would pay $450 million to purchase privately-held BioFire Diagnostics of Salt Lake City, Utah. BioFire has a solid tech- nology base in molecular diagnostics. It developed and currently markets its FilmArray…

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Indiana Clinical Lab Taps Data to Improve Service to Doctors

CEO SUMMARY: Business intelligence is on the verge of becoming the next “big thing” in clinical laboratory management. Lab teams are using real-time data dashboards to quickly identify problems and take proactive steps to raise service levels to clients. South Bend Medical Foundation …

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Economics of Lab Testing to Be Challenged

BY ANY MEASURE, 2012 IS SHAPING UP TO BE A YEAR OF MAJOR CHANGE for healthcare and the clinical laboratory testing industry. Unfortunately, an early reading of the tea leaves indicates that the outcomes are not likely to be favorable for most clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups. Letâ…

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Many Questions About FDA Regulation of LDTs

CEO SUMMARY: Ask most pathologists and laboratory administrators about the FDA’s intent to regulate laboratory-developed tests (LDTs), and they will likely answer that it is to control web-based direct-to-consumer lab testing companies and the rapidly- growing number of proprie…

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Assessing the Year-End Financials For Nation’s Biggest Lab Companies

IN RECENT WEEKS, the last of the nation’s largest public laboratory companies released year-end 2009 financial reports. Each lab firm’s financial report provides useful insights about active trends in the lab testing marketplace, particularly in lab testing referred by office-based physicians. …

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New Clinical Lab Trends To Shape Events in 2010

CEO SUMMARY: In presenting this list of macro trends for clinical laboratories, several themes are in play. They range from a continued emphasis on improving lab operations to the need to acquire and deploy sophisticated information technology. During the next few years, the long…

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