Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



Clarapath Automates Slide Prep, Microtomy Workflow

>>CEO SUMMARY: Histology is one area of labo­ratory medicine that utilizes a mostly manual work­ flow. However, pathology labs will soon have a novel solution designed to automate many of the steps in microtomy that produce glass slides. Reduced variability in the finished glass s…

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CLIA on Path to Recognize Lab Data As a Specimen

CEO SUMMARY: Discussions within the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) are focusing on digital diagnostic data and clinical laboratory testing conducted remotely. CLIAC recommendations about these important topics may eventually be part of updates to …

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‘Lab Workforce Crisis Takes Top Spot’–CAP Today

CEO SUMMARY: Just weeks ago, CAP Today characterized the current crisis in staffing clinical laboratories as going “from simmer to rolling boil.” Demand for medical technologists and other certified laboratory scientists far exceeds the supply. Consequently, many labs now…

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Lean Used to Lay Groundwork for Lab’s 15189 Accreditation

CEO SUMMARY: Henry Ford Health System’s laboratory organization has become first in the nation to have all its laboratory sites “standardized under one source of leadership” and accredited to the standards of ISO 15189: Medical Laboratories. The journey to achieve this current state…

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How In-Clinic Path Lab Benefits GI Practice

CEO SUMMARY: In Manassas, Virginia, a five-physician gastroenterology group is using its in-clinic anatomic pathology laboratory to advance patient care, while boosting revenue associated with this ancillary service. In this exclusive interview, the group’s physician business l…

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Crossing State Lines With Digital Pathology

CEO SUMMARY: It is predicted that use of digital pathology will create new care models in the profession of anatomic pathology. An early example of this trend can be found in Bellingham, Washington. Here, the 10 pathologists of Northwest Pathology are using a digital pathology sy…

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Pathology Across State Lines and National Borders

WE ARE SWIFTLY APPROACHING THE DAY when community hospital-based pathologists will be able to serve hospitals and physicians located across state lines with the same ease that they serve hospitals and office-based physicians in their own cities and regions. In the same vein, at least two major acade…

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Using Lean at Henry Ford Transforms Pathology TAT

CEO SUMMARY: Long-standing work flow traditions in anatomic pathology provide fertile ground for improvement with Lean and similar process improvement methods. That was the case at Henry Ford Health System, where empowered teams in the pathology laboratory employed the principles…

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Powerful Trends Reshaping Anatomic Path Profession

CEO SUMMARY: THE DARK REPORT presents its newest biannual review of macro trends reshaping the anatomic pathology profession. These macro trends reveal a profession undergoing change and transformation on multiple fronts. New competitors are crowding into the market, payers and accreditin…

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Are Feds Ready to Strike at TC/PC Arrangements?

CEO SUMMARY: Pathologists and laboratory directors will want to pay attention to the proposed rules published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on July 2, 2007. The document is a grab bag of proposals and rules that would significantly curb many common ancillary services a…

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