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Histology is a branch of anatomy that deals with the study structure of animal and plant tissues that is only discernible with a microscope. It is also called microscopic anatomy, as opposed to gross anatomy, which involves structures that can be observed with the naked eye. The word “histology” is derived from two Greek words: histo, which means “tissue,” and logos, which means “study.”

Histopathology, the microscopic study of diseased tissue, is an important tool used in anatomical pathology, as accurate diagnosis of cancer and other diseases usually requires histopathological examination of samples.

Histological studies are often carried out by examining a thin slice (called a “section”) of tissue under a light microscope or an electron microscope on a prepared slide.

In order to distinguish different biological structures more easily and accurately, histological stains are often used to add colors to, or enhance the colors of, certain types of biological structures to allow them to be more easily differentiated from other types of structures. Staining is employed because biological tissue has little inherent contrast when observed using either light or electron microscopes.

Trained physicians, frequently licensed clinical pathologists, are the personnel who actually perform histopathological examinations and provide diagnostic information based on their observations of the tissues being tested.

The trained personnel who prepare histological specimens for examination may go by a number of titles, including:

Their field of study is called histotechnology.

Histology has seen recent changes as technological advances in automation have influenced the field. Automation allows for the reduction of the workload of manual task needed to prepare and track histology specimens. Artificial intelligence also is playing a growing role in supporting the analysis of sections, supporting anatomic pathologists during their examinations of samples.

Lab Innovators in Europe Have Solutions for USA

CEO SUMMARY: Rapid advances in a wide range of technologies over the past 15 years are enabling entrepreneurs to create transformative products for use by clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups. The Dark Report recently toured Europe to visit several such innovative companies…

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Watch Out Pathologists! They’re Coming for Histology!

For any lab that depends on revenue from its histology labo…

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Clarapath Automates Slide Prep, Microtomy Workflow

>>CEO SUMMARY: Histology is one area of labo­ratory medicine that utilizes a mostly manual work­ flow. However, pathology labs will soon have a novel solution designed to automate many of the steps in microtomy that produce glass slides. Reduced variability in the finished glass s…

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Labcorp, Quest Issue Q1 Earnings, Offer Comments on FDA’s LDT Rule


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Lab Market Fragmenting, Creating New Opportunities

CEO SUMMARY: Even as consolidation continues in the ownership of hospitals, health systems, office-based physicians, and clinical laboratories, there is a powerful trend of fragmentation quietly transforming the way providers—including clinical labs and pathology groups—serve patient…

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Eight Macro Trends for Clinical Labs in 2023

CEO SUMMARY: Laboratory administrators and pathologists will want to carefully study eight important trends that will guide their business strategies in 2023. Many of these macro trends center on financial and operational difficulties and ways to steer around these obstacles. Anothe…

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Sonic Healthcare Acquires ProPath, PathGroup Buys Path Consultants

CONSOLIDATION AMONG PRIVATE PRACTICE ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY GROUPS continues with news that two large regional pathology groups decided to sell to larger pathology companies.  The first transaction announced was on Dec. 16, 2021, when Sonic Healthcare …

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November 29, 2021 Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

Pathologists interested in ways to automate the various manual steps in the histology laboratory may want to watch the progress of an emerging company. Clarapath of Hawthorne, N.Y., says it is “automating processes around the way tissue is processed onto glass slides via ‘sectioning,’ or…

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Pathology Groups Should Plan to Use Digital Pathology

WHEN AN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY GROUP CONSIDERS IMPLEMENTING digital pathology and whole-slide imaging (WSI) for primary diagnosis, it must identify and understand a range of challenges and opportunities. “Every pathology group should start by considering how it will use the related technologies of a…

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Alverno Labs Adds Eight Hospitals to Its Network

CEO SUMMARY: In September, Alverno Laboratories, one of the largest networks of regional laboratories in the Midwest, added two Chicago hospital laboratories and six other hospital labs from the AMITA Health system to its network. The additional AMITA Health facilities joined Alverno as a…

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