LabOne Speaks Out About Use of “Free Testing”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 17 – December 22, 2003 Issue
DEAR EDITOR, In the August 26, 2002 issue of THE DARK REPORT, an article appeared entitled, “Two Blood Brothers Use ‘Free Testing’ Strategy.” In markets that we are “in-network” with various payers, this tactic of providing free testing is increasingly prevalent. While t…
“Free Testing” Strategy Stirs the Pot in Tenn.
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 16 – December 1, 2003 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In Tennessee, the state’s Medicaid HMO plan has been at odds with Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, which is using the “free testing” strategy to expand its share of the market. In recent months, TennCare Select has taken active steps to insure its physicians understand tha…
“Pay for Performance” Starts For California Docs
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 8 – June 16, 2003 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: California is a bellwether state for healthcare innovations. Six of its largest payers are collaborating on “Pay For Performance,” a program which pays financial incentives to physician group practices which achieve measurable outcomes in clinical care, patient satisfacti…
New Trends in 2003 Affect Clinical Lab Services
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 1 – January 20, 2003 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Here’s our current list of macro trends that affect clinical laboratories, updated from the last list in January 2000. One bold prediction is that Medicare, as we know it, is on the verge of a major meltdown. Employers and consumers are also new forces to be reckoned with b…
Two Blood Brothers Use “Free Testing” Strategy
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 12 – August 26, 2002 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: It’s a business strategy that Quest Diagnostics Incorporated and Laboratory Corporation of America use in selected areas where they have lost exclusive managed care contracts to regional lab competitors. In order to retain access to a physician’s fee-for-service testing b…
Michigan Lab Network Wins Major HMO Deal
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 4 – March 11, 2002 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: By winning the contract for Health Alliance Plan (HAP), Joint Venture Hospital Laboratories (JVHL) captured another major exclusive managed care contract for lab testing services in Southeast Michigan. Its victory demonstrates that local hospital lab outreach programs can com…
Provider Performance Ranking Now Hitting Healthcare System
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 2 – January 28, 2002 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: When 96 big corporations, employing 28 million people and spending $52 billion on healthcare, begin publishing hospital performance measurements so their employees can make informed choices, that’s big news! THE DARK REPORT predicts this is a major step toward detailed meas…
UnitedHealth Using Lab Data To Improve Health Outcomes
By Robert Michel | From the Volume VIII No. 8 – June 11, 2001 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Managed Care is shifting into a new operational model that places prime emphasis on using clinical information to drive improvements in the quality of healthcare. At UnitedHealth Group, one of the nation’s largest health insurers, early efforts to analyze clinical data have…
Profitable Prices for New Lab Information Services
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume VII No. 13 – September 11, 2000 Issue
ONE RESPONSE TO THE CONTINUED CUTBACKS for laboratory test reimbursement during the 1990s was a deluge of papers and speeches by pathologists and lab executives hammering at the theme that laboratory information possesses the potential to improve the quality of healthcare outcomes while reducing the…
MCOs Asking For More Lab Test Information
By Robert Michel | From the Volume VII No. 13 – September 11, 2000 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: During the past 12 months, managed care companies in Michigan have increased the quantity and quality of the laboratory test information they want from their laboratory providers. Once again, the marketplace is raising the bar for competitive laboratory services. In response,…
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