clinical laboratory manager
Reporters & Investigators Target Fraud in Pain Management Market
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XX No. 11 – August 13, 2013 Issue
PAIN MANAGEMENT IS COMING under increased scrutiny by law enforcement officials and government regulators. Even the national media have begun to notice the fraud and abuse that is rampant in this rapidly-expanding sector of healthcare. Many pathologists and clinical laboratory managers will welcome …
At Kaiser Permanente, Real-Time Lab Results Are a Hit with Patients
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 15 – November 7, 2011 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Should patients be allowed to see their own lab test results when they are available to their physicians? Kaiser Permanente believes so. Since 2005, Kaiser Permanente has given members real-time access to most laboratory test results in their personal health record (PHR) on w…
Are Prosecutors Afraid of Big and Little Lab Firms?
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 14 – October 17, 2011 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Settlements in the big whistleblower suits involving major lab companies typically generate national headlines. But seldom do the views of the “quiet majority” of lab owners and lab executives get much attention. These are the majority of lab professionals workin…
POC Testing Plays Role In Penna. Patient’s Death
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 13 – September 26, 2011 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In the report by the Pennsylvania Department of Health on the death of a patient at Lehigh Valley Hospital, it was noted that the clinical staff failed to notice discrepancies between results from point-of-care (POC) tests at the bedside and lab test results from blo…
Understanding the Deal With Medi-Cal and Quest
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 8 – June 13, 2011 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: It is now possible to see the specific language in the “Settlement Agreement and Release” document executed by the California State Attorney General and Quest Diagnostics Incorporated. For those clinical lab managers—and the attorneys who represent their labora…
Labs Learn About ACOs And Medical Homes
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 7 – May 23, 2011 Issue
IN JUST SEVEN MONTHS, the age of accountable care organizations (ACO) begins. On January 1, 2012, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will commence contracting with ACOs. ACOs are one of the major reforms spelled out in the 2,700-page health reform law that President Obama si…
Office-Based Physicians Want In-Clinic Laboratories
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XVIII No. 6 – May 2, 2011 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Interest by office-based physicians in creating an in-clinic medical testing laboratory is on the increase. This has direct consequences for independent commercial labs, hospital lab outreach programs, and anatomic pathology groups, since office- based physicians are…
More IVD Consolidation as Danaher Buys Beckman
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XVIII No. 2 – February 7, 2011 Issue
TODAY IT WAS ANNOUNCED that Danaher Corporation would acquire Beckman Coulter, Inc., in a transaction valued at $5.8 billion. The news was not a surprise, since word had leaked out last December that Beckman’s board of director had engaged Goldman Sachs …
Did Qui Tam Suit Trigger Medi-Cal Price Concerns?
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVII No. 18 – December 27, 2010 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: It is easy to track backwards to understand why the California Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) began aggressive enforcement of its interpretation of statute 51501(a) against a number of labs this summer. DHCS officials were given a full education and a roadm…
August 23, 2010 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVII No. 12 – August 23, 2010 Issue
With the goal of developing biomarkers useful in diagnosing a variety of cancers, Pathwork Diagnostics, Inc., and Novartis AG announced a research partnership on July 30. It is an early example of a collaboration between a diagnostics company and a pharmaceutical com…
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