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clia certified lab

New Type of Competition from Investor-Owned Labs

CEO SUMMARY: More investor-funded lab companies see robust future growth in serving what The Washington Post calls “a booming online wellness market that aims to leave the doctor’s office behind. ” This is a new market driven by younger health­ care-minded consumers who turn to …

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Genetic Tests Grow in Number, Complexity

CEO SUMMARY: Getting paid for genetic tests continues to be a challenge. This is true for both payers and the labs that perform the tests. Even physicians are dissatisfied with the status quo because they must deal with patients unhappy about the high cost of genetic tests. The prob…

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Genesis Lab Lawsuit Pursues UnitedHealth Over Unpaid Test Claims

This is an excerpt of a 1,946-word article in the July 6, 2021 issue of  THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: New case law in how health insurers should reimburse for COVID-19 lab test claims might be one outc…

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NJ Lab Sues UnitedHealth Over Unpaid Test Claims

CEO SUMMARY: New case law in how health insurers should reimburse for COVID-19 lab test claims might be one outcome if a New Jersey lab company were to prevail in a federal lawsuit it filed against UnitedHealthcare alleging non-payment of COVID-19 test claims. An interesting fact me…

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Current Review of CLIA Standards Intended to Address Laboratory PT

EFFORTS ARE UNDER WAY TO REVIEW existing requirements for laboratory certification under the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA). CLIA legislation was a response by Congress to widely-publicized failings in the quality and performance of certain cytology and office laboratories during …

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