Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



Lab’s Innovation Center Encourages Staff Ideas

CEO SUMMARY: At a time when health plans consider lab testing a commodity, the team at Sonora Quest Laboratories deliberately set out to encourage ideas and innovation from its staff by creating the “Innovation Center of Excellence.” One innovation involves helping health plans and ph…

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Examining the Worldwide Pathologist Shortage

CEO SUMMARY: Demand for pathology services is growing faster than the number of pathologists available to meet that demand. This is true for the United States and most other nations. Consequently, efforts are underway to more accurately measure the number of pathologists practicing in eac…

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Labs Should Prepare for Arrival of ‘Perfect Storm’

CEO SUMMARY: In the near future, clinical labs and pathology groups will need to address three major developments. One involves the FDA proposed LDT rule. A second is the adoption by payers of guidelines that require genetic test claims to have Z-Codes. The third centers around coming ref…

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OIG Reports Its Findings about CDC’s First COVID Test Problems

ONE MAJOR FAILURE BY FEDERAL AGENCIES in the first days of the COVID-19 pandemic was the development and release of an inaccurate and unreliable SARS-CoV-2 test, intended for use by public health labs. This was the finding of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) …

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July 10, 2023, Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

General health panels submitted under CPT code 80050 are among the most expensive—and potentially most wasteful—diagnostic tests, according to a new study published in June by Avalo…

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May 8, 2023, Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

Responding to the need to expand access to training for diagnostic testing professionals, the CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems has launched OneLab TEST (Timely Education and Support of Testers)….

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Six Important Themes to Help Labs Succeed

CEO SUMMARY: Clinical laboratories face business challenges with day-to-day operations, genetic testing, and evolving care delivery models. The 2023 Executive War College on Diagnostics, Clinical Laboratory, and Pathology Management returns on April 25-26 in New Orleans. Participant…

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CLIA on Path to Recognize Lab Data As a Specimen

CEO SUMMARY: Discussions within the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) are focusing on digital diagnostic data and clinical laboratory testing conducted remotely. CLIAC recommendations about these important topics may eventually be part of updates to …

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Eight Macro Trends for Clinical Labs in 2023

CEO SUMMARY: Laboratory administrators and pathologists will want to carefully study eight important trends that will guide their business strategies in 2023. Many of these macro trends center on financial and operational difficulties and ways to steer around these obstacles. Anothe…

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December 12, 2022, Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

Is it time to allow consumers to do at-home testing for influenza? Given the already-raging influenza season—flu-related hospitalizations doubled the week of Nov. 20 compared to a week earlier, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—the STAT medical news site ra…

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