Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics




Labs: Why it Pays to Know Your Customers


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Multi-year Prison Sentence for Genetic Test Fraud

CEO SUMMARY: In recent years, federal prosecutors are filing ever greater numbers of civil actions and criminal indictments against individuals accused of healthcare fraud and abuse. This includes prosecutions of doctors alleged to have received illegal kickbacks from lab companies in exc…

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Federal Cases against Labs Result in Convictions

CEO SUMMARY: Over the past 24 months, federal prosecutors have announced a steady parade of criminal convictions, guilty pleas, and settlement agreements involving fraud and clinical laboratory testing. Not only are these cases numerous, but some resolve legal actions initiated by the fed…

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Attorney Discusses Federal Cases Involving EKRA Violations by Labs

IT’S BEEN MORE THAN FIVE YEARS since Congress passed the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 (EKRA). Lab managers and their attorneys quickly recognized that, whereas the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) has a safe harbor that permits percentage-based sales commissions to W2 employees, EKRA does…

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Violating EKRA Earns Lab Owner an Eight-Year Prison Sentence

THIS MAY BE THE MOST HIGH-PROFILE CASE involving a clinical laboratory and the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 (EKRA). Former Arrayit Corporation president Mark Schena was sentenced in October 2023 to eight years in federal prison and ordered to pay $24 million in resti…

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Anatomic Pathology Referrals Topic of OIG Advisory Opinion 23-06

THANKS TO A RECENTLY-RELEASED ADVISORY OPINION issued this fall by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Department of Health and Human Services, there is a new compliance twist involving billing for the technical component (TC) for anatomic pathology procedures. A…

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Innovation Showcased at Executive War College

CEO SUMMARY: This year’s Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management proved to be a high-energy event. A record 900 attendees showed up and responded enthusiastically to visions and predictions of a post-COVID-19 healthcare system that hungers for large volumes of…

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Seven Doctors Settle Lab Test Fraud Case

CEO SUMMARY: In January, a U.S. Attorney from East Texas announced that seven physicians and a hospital CEO had agreed to settle allegations of fraud involving the payment of bribes in exchange for lab test orders. This is a positive development for the clinical laboratory profession because it…

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Labs Should Be Cautious about ‘Surprising’ EKRA Ruling

CONFUSION ABOUT WHEN IT IS LEGAL UNDER TWO FEDERAL LAWS to pay commissions to sales reps based on volume and/or revenue has existed since the passage of the federal Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 (EKRA). Now, a district court judge in Hawaii has surprisingly ruled that payments of perc…

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2021’s Top 10 Lab Stories Highlight Important Trends

This is an excerpt of a 3,075-word article in the December 20, 2021 issue of  THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: Much like 2020, the pandemic dominated our new list of the top 10 lab stories for 2021. Beyond…

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