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Clinical Laboratory

A clinical laboratory is a laboratory where tests are done on clinical specimens in order to get information about the health of a patient as pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

Clinical laboratories are at the forefront of the personalized medicine trend. However, they are also targets for cost-cutting measures by payers, and increased regulation by CMS and FDA, making the industry a challenging one in which to succeed.

Laboratory medicine is generally divided into two sections, each of which being subdivided into multiple units. These two sections are:

  • Anatomic pathology: Units included here are histopathology, cytopathology, and electron microscopy. Other disciplines pertaining to this section include anatomy, physiology, histology, pathology, and pathophysiology.
  • Clinical pathology, which includes:
    • Clinical Microbiology: This encompasses five different sciences. These include bacteriology, virology, parasitology, immunology, and mycology.
    • Clinical Chemistry: Units under this section include instrumental analysis of blood components, enzymology, toxicology and endocrinology.
    • Hematology: This section consists of automated and manual analysis of blood cells.
    • Genetics is also studied along with a subspecialty known as cytogenetics.
    • Reproductive biology: Semen analysis, Sperm bank and assisted reproductive technology.

Credibility of medical laboratories is paramount to the health and safety of the patients relying on the testing services provided by these labs. The international standard in use today for the accreditation of medical laboratories is ISO 15189. Under their respective approaches to laboratory licensure and accreditation, many countries have legal requirements that medical laboratories must be accredited to ISO 15189. This is not true in the United States.

In the United States, there are federal and state laws that address the licensure and accreditation of medical laboratories. Accreditation is done by the Joint Commission, College of American Pathologists, AAB (American Association of Bioanalysts), and other state and federal agencies. CLIA 88, the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, also dictate testing and personnel.

In addition, many clinical laboratories have adopted quality management programs such as Six Sigma and Lean quality to improve clinical quality, reduce turnaround time, cut costs, and boost productivity. Lean and Six Sigma are both process improvement methodologies. At a very basic level, Lean is about speed and efficiency, while Six Sigma is about precision and accuracy, leading to data-driven decisions. Lean and Six Sigma methods are finding numerous applications in anatomic pathology laboratories and pathology group practices.

Pharmacogenetic Tests Deliver for Avera Health Lab

CEO SUMMARY: When Avera Institute for Human Genetics wanted to expand its genomics program, it used its past learning with pharmacogenetics to guide the effort. Two key insights? Ask physicians abo…

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Six Important Themes to Help Labs Succeed

CEO SUMMARY: Clinical laboratories face business challenges with day-to-day operations, genetic testing, and evolving care delivery models. The 2023 Executive War College on Diagnostics, Clinical Laboratory, and Pathology Management returns on April 25-26 in New Orleans. Participant…

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Laboratories Can Find Value in Use of Leftover Samples

CEO SUMMARY: After testing on behalf of patients, there are often leftover samples. One company developed a platform to enable life science customers to access the samples and associated diagnostic data for research purposes. For clinical labs, the leftover samples provide an opport…

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How Histology Can Better Communicate with Physicians

CEO SUMMARY: When ordering physicians or pathologists take issue with histology processes, it’s a sign that change is needed somewhere along the line. At American Oncology Network, the resulting communication often centers on bringing greater clarity to the doctors as to how sampl…

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Labcorp: Ascension Deal Will Earn $550 Million in 2023

PUBLICLY TRADED LABORATORY COMPANIES OFFERED INSIGHTS into how acquisitions of hospital lab operations and outreach businesses add to their bottom lines, according to recent reports on full-year 2022 and fourth quarter earnings.  Last year was a busy one…

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National Lab Says It Will Help with Supply Chain Services

RECOGNIZING THAT SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES are troublesome to some of its clinical laboratory customers, one national lab company has announced it would like to help solve those issues.  In September, Quest Diagnostics issued a press release describing …

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CLIA on Path to Recognize Lab Data As a Specimen

CEO SUMMARY: Discussions within the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) are focusing on digital diagnostic data and clinical laboratory testing conducted remotely. CLIAC recommendations about these important topics may eventually be part of updates to …

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Eight Macro Trends for Clinical Labs in 2023

CEO SUMMARY: Laboratory administrators and pathologists will want to carefully study eight important trends that will guide their business strategies in 2023. Many of these macro trends center on financial and operational difficulties and ways to steer around these obstacles. Anothe…

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Congress Averts PAMA Cuts to Lab Test Rates for 2023

CONGRESS ENACTED LEGISLATION LAST MONTH that suspends implementation of the next round of price cuts to the Medicare Part B Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) that was scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1. This is a welcome development for the medical laboratory industry….

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2022’s Top 10 Lab Stories Confirm Challenging Times

CEO SUMMARY: There are valuable insights to be gleaned from The Dark Report’s “Top 10 Lab Industry Stories for 2022.” Several of this year’s story picks involve external forces reshaping healthcare in the United States in profound ways. Other story picks for 2022 illustrate …

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