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CEO Offers Lab Strategies for a Post-PAMA World

CEO SUMMARY: With so many market forces working against the economic interests of clinical laboratories, it is essential that all labs develop appropriate strategies designed to sustain the quality of laboratory testing services and the financial integrity of the laboratory organization. …

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Hospital Lab Data Essential For CMS Market Price Study

CEO SUMMARY: In five months, Medicare officials will implement a new Part B clinical laboratory fee schedule based on private payer lab price data submitted by certain medical laboratories required to report that data. At this year’s Executive War College, the CEO of XIFIN, Inc., reported o…

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Expert Explains Why Payer Errors Skew Labs’ PAMA Price Data

CEO SUMMARY: In its work with more than 200 lab clients, XIFIN, Inc., of San Diego, sees the best and worst of problems in how labs submit claims to lab tests and how payers process these claims. In this exclusive interview, Lâle White, XIFIN’s Founder and CEO, identifies the systemic …

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Widespread payer errors will cause headaches as Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 price reporting comes due

This is an excerpt from a 2,700-word article in the November 28 issue of THE DARK REPORT. The complete article is available for a limited time to all readers, and available at all times to paid members of the Dark Intelligence Group. …

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Test price data shows major difference between Medicare lab fee schedule and private payers

This is an excerpt from a 1,500-word article in the November 7 issue of THE DARK REPORT. The complete article is available for a limited time to all readers, and available at all times to paid members of the Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: THE DA…

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XIFIN Analysis of Its Real Price Data Shows Hospital Lab Price Effect

CEO SUMMARY: In a new analysis of data its lab clients will use to report market prices to CMS, XIFIN Inc., reports private payers paid independent labs a weighted average price that was 19.6% less than what Medicare pays for 20 of its highest-volume tests. By contrast, private payers pa…

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New Company Ready to Heat Up Slow Digital Pathology Market

CEO SUMMARY: There’s a new competitor in the digital pathology marketplace with ambitious plans to deliver a fully-integrated pathologist workflow solution. Inspirata, Inc., of Tampa, Florida, made its debut in March at an international pathology conference. In this exclusive i…

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September 9, 2013 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

bioMĂ©rieux is on the move. Last week it announced that it would pay $450 million to purchase privately-held BioFire Diagnostics of Salt Lake City, Utah. BioFire has a solid tech- nology base in molecular diagnostics. It developed and currently markets its FilmArray…

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Low 2013 Molecular Rates May Bankrupt Some Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Many of the recently issued reimbursement rates for molecular diagnostic tests are inadequate and in fact are lower than the cost of running the tests, lab experts say. Smaller laboratories that specialize in developing and selling molecular tests could be forced to close. As…

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aLabs Now Manages Labs for Major Health Systems

CEO SUMMARY: Established with a unique business plan unseen to date in the lab testing industry, aLabs has already entered into laboratory management services contracts with major health systems in Milwaukee and San Diego. This is an impressive start for a newly-formed company that has no…

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