Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


the dark report

Joint Commission Will Not Accept COLA Accreditation

CEO SUMMARY: This may be a first in the 40-year history of CLIA accreditation of clinical laboratories. The Joint Commission (TJC) announced it will no longer recognize COLA’s laboratory accreditation program within “TJC-accredited facilities,” effective Jan 1, 2023. COLA-accredited labs …

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Eight Macro Trends for Clinical Labs in 2023

CEO SUMMARY: Laboratory administrators and pathologists will want to carefully study eight important trends that will guide their business strategies in 2023. Many of these macro trends center on financial and operational difficulties and ways to steer around these obstacles. Anothe…

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Use This Five-Step Process to Implement a New LIS

CEO SUMMARY: Rolling out a new laboratory information system (LIS) is a costly, time-consuming project. One expert outlines five steps that clinical labs can take to alleviate pressures while ensuring the right people are onboard to help the endeavor move forward. Among the steps is…

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Babson Diagnostics’ Hybrid Model Combines Quality, Convenience

CEO SUMMARY: Responding to its own data about consumer preferences, healthcare technology company Babson Diagnostics is pursuing a new hybrid model for blood draws that it believes brings together the best of clinical laboratories and retail pharmacies. Laboratory managers and patho…

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Lab Allegedly Billed Medicare for Tests It Did Not Perform

Following up on a Sept. 19 intelligence briefing, an attorney told The Dark Report that a federal case alleging genetic test fraud showed hallmarks of pass-through billing.  As such, it raises questions about whether reference l…

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Ex-Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Awaits Ruling on New Trial Request

Keeping with the unexpected and odd circumstances sur­rounding Theranos, a federal judge heard arguments on Oct. 17 about whether convicted company founder Elizabeth Holmes’ should get a new trial. That hearing stemmed from the gov­ernment’s star witness in Holmes’ 2021 tr…

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U.S. Hospitals Will Lose Billions of Dollars in 2022

CEO SUMMARY: Hospitals and health systems in most regions of the United States are reporting substantial losses, both in patient care and in the value of their investment portfo­lios. This is inauspicious for the clinical laboratories operated by these hospitals. Hospital-bas…

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Clinical Laboratory News from North of the Border

In mid-October, Canada’s largest national conference for diag­nostics leaders took place in Toronto. It was their first gathering since the onset of the pandemic and much is happening with healthcare and medical laboratories in our northern neighbor. The Dark Report was there to identify …

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Solutions to Lab Staffing, Supply, Revenue Problems

CEO SUMMARY: Responding to requests from numerous lab managers, The Dark Report is organizing a one-and-a-half-day program that will come to your city. Workshop leaders are from labs su…

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Amazon to Close Employee COVID-19 Testing Lab in Ky.

IN A MOVE THAT MAY SURPRISE SOME OBSERVERS, Amazon announced it will close its COVID-19 employee testing laboratory in Hebron, Ky., which is just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati.  This is the second large COVID-19 clinical laboratory to publ…

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