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smear test

Dr. Papanicolaou Honored by Google Doodle on May 13

Pathologists and medical laboratory professionals the world over had a surprise on May 13 if they used Google for an Internet search. The doodle on the Google search home page honored pathologist Dr. Georgios Papanicolaou, who developed the Pap smear test used to screen for cervical …

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Pap Test Errors in Ireland Attributed to Quest, CPL

CEO SUMMARY: In Ireland, the big story in healthcare at the moment is the discovery that the nation’s cervical cancer screening program has failed hundreds of women who had pre-cancerous conditions or cervical cancer, but, as alleged in numerous court cases, their tests were inaccurate …

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Genetic Testing Creates New Legal Risks for Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Last month, in Seattle, Washington, a jury ordered Laboratory Corporation of America and Valley Medical Center each to pay $25 million following a lawsuit about a ‘wrongful’ birth. At issue was how genetic tests were ordered, performed, and reported. This court case is th…

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May 06, 2013 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Much is happening in the anatomic pathology market in the Pacific Northwest. PAML, LLC (Spokane, Washington), and CellNetix (Seattle, Washington) finally executed the agreement whereby PAML made an equity investment in CellNetix. Now, the two lab companies will collaborate on developing…

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New Criticisms in Ireland About Cervical Screening

CEO SUMMARY: Pathologists worldwide are witnessing how a government health service can erode its nation’s pathology capabilities in cytology. Ireland’s experiment in off-shoring all its Pap testing even as it requires women to register in a national database in order to get f…

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Bureaucratic System in Ireland Affects Access to Pap Testing

WHEN IT COMES TO CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING IN IRELAND, health system bureaucrats have put some of the nation’s women into the perfect “Catch 22.” As this happens, it provides another case study of why a government health system can often create coverage rules and restrictions which run contrar…

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Using Lean to Cut Pap Test TAT Pays Off At Baystate Medical

USE OF LEAN METHODS HAS UNLOCKED major improvements at Baystate Health’s Department of Pathology in Springfield, Massachusetts. One Lean project cut average Pap test turnaround time by more than 50%. Another Lean project attacked errors with Advanced Beneficiary No…

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New Instrument Targets Cervical Cancer Detection

CEO SUMMARY: Guided Therapeutics, Inc. of Norcross, Georgia is working to develop proprietary technology into an improved method for detecting cervical cancer. It wants to give ob-gyns and other physicians an instrument system that can be used in the office to provide real-time results to…

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HPV Vaccine Developers Racing to Marketplace

CEO SUMMARY: At least ten companies are working on an HPV vaccine that can prevent cervical cancer. The leading two companies have Phase III clinical trials under way and expect to earn regulatory approval within the next 24 to 30 months. The speedy arrival of an HPV vaccine in the market…

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HPV Test Volume Grows With Payer Acceptance

CEO SUMMARY: Because cervical cancer screening involves more than 55 million Pap tests per year in the United States, it is a high-profile segment of the lab testing industry. HPV testing is making steady inroads into the cervical cancer screening process. Digene Corporation is the direct…

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