Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


robert michel

May 20, 2024, Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

Last month, members of a class action lawsuit against Theranos and other defendants received settlement checks. Members of the class included TDR’s Editor-in-Chief, Robert Michel, and his wife, Deborah. On behalf of The Dark Report, the Michels had investigated the actual laborator…

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IVD Companies Launch New Assays, Analyzers, Automation

Steep declines in SARS-CoV-2 test revenue were reported by the top in vitro diagnostics (IVD) companies in Q2 2023 earnings compared to a year earli…

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Healthcare Megatrends and a Famous Book

PREDICTING THE FUTURE IS A RISKY BUSINESS. SKEPTICS ARE ALWAYS AROUND TO CALL ATTENTION TO PROPHETS WHO GET IT WRONG. One prophet whose predictions were on target was author John Naisbitt. Those of us around in…

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Major Events on Horizon to Reshape Lab Market

CEO SUMMARY: Speakers at last month’s Executive War College discussed a range of significant trends and changes happening today in the U.S. healthcare system. Two of the most important trends are …

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Come One, Come All to the Executive War College

THIS IS FOR ALL OF YOU LONG-TIME READERS WHO EVERY SPRING SEE NEWS about the Executive War College on Diagnostics, Laboratory, and Pathology Management, tell yourself that you need to attend, but then you…

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Six Important Themes to Help Labs Succeed

CEO SUMMARY: Clinical laboratories face business challenges with day-to-day operations, genetic testing, and evolving care delivery models. The 2023 Executive War College on Diagnostics, Clinical Laboratory, and Pathology Management returns on April 25-26 in New Orleans. Participant…

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Telemedicine Firms Offer Home Phlebotomy Service

CEO SUMMARY: Telemedicine provider Teladoc Health has announced new services for certain primary care customers that include at-home phlebotomy appointments. The move is evidence of the consumer demand for increased convenience and flexibility in their healthcare. Scarlet Health, a …

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Solutions to Lab Staffing, Supply, Revenue Problems

CEO SUMMARY: Responding to requests from numerous lab managers, The Dark Report is organizing a one-and-a-half-day program that will come to your city. Workshop leaders are from labs su…

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OIG: 25% of Medicare Inpatients ‘Harmed in Hospitals’ Pre-COVID

CEO SUMMARY: This year’s report to Congress on patient harm in hospitals—prepared by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)—determined that one in four Medicare beneficiaries suffered harm while an inpatient in a hospital. The report garnered little attention outside the he…

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‘Lab Workforce Crisis Takes Top Spot’–CAP Today

CEO SUMMARY: Just weeks ago, CAP Today characterized the current crisis in staffing clinical laboratories as going “from simmer to rolling boil.” Demand for medical technologists and other certified laboratory scientists far exceeds the supply. Consequently, many labs now…

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