Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



New CISA Draft Rule Mandates Rapid Reporting of Cyberattacks

CEO SUMMARY: There is another federal rule that will require compliance by clinical labs. An agency of U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security published a draft rule on April 4 that requires certain organizations—including hospitals, clinical labs, and pathology groups—to report, within 72 ho…

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Change Health Cyberattack Breaches PHI Here at TDR!

CEO SUMMARY: It was Feb. 21 when cybercriminals attacked Change Healthcare’s claims processing systems. On April 22, UnitedHealth Group issued a statement that PHI for “a substantial proportion of people in America” was breached. We believe the PHI of our employees and T…

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Successful Ransomware Attack Misses Lab Claims


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September Saw 153% Increase in Ransomware Attacks

CEO SUMMARY: Most ransomware attacks don’t generate news stories because the victimized organizations don’t want other threat actors to learn if they paid a ransom to regain access to their information systems. Experts point out that more cyberattacks are happening and that the attack…

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Expert Lists Strategies to Cope with Cyber Attacks

CEO SUMMARY: Class action lawsuits filed by patients whose protected health information (PHI) was breached during a cyber attack may be one additional unwelcome consequence for clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups hit by a ransomware or cyber attack. This is what happ…

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2021’s Top 10 Lab Stories Highlight Important Trends

This is an excerpt of a 3,075-word article in the December 20, 2021 issue of  THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: Much like 2020, the pandemic dominated our new list of the top 10 lab stories for 2021. Beyond…

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2021’s Top 10 Lab Stories Confirm Important Trends

CEO SUMMARY: Much like 2020, the pandemic dominated our new list of the top 10 lab industry stories for 2021. Beyond COVID-19 testing, the virus crept its way into long-term trends, such as pathology jobs and technology innovation. New ways of delivering healthcare will need respons…

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All Labs Are Threatened by Encryption, Ransomware

CEO SUMMARY: Cybercrime—in the form of encryption attacks followed by ransom demands—is now a threat to every clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology group in the United States. Experts recommend that all labs elevate the attention they pay to their incident response teams ta…

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All Labs Are Threatened by Ransomware Attacks

This is an excerpt of a 1,652-word article in the September 7, 2021 issue of  THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: Cybercrime—in the form of encryption attacks followed by ransom demands—is now a threat to…

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Ransomware Attacks Target Vulnerable Healthcare Providers

This is an excerpt of a 1,923-word article in the May 24, 2021 issue of  THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: Both malware and ransomware have been around for a number of years. But the attacks launched today …

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